Doc D cannabis seeds

Doc D for the win.


Right on!!!


Here’s the smoke report for that #2 Wat Pho plant, which was chopped on flower day 80, copied and pasted from the grow log.


Same nug, flash and no flash. That one only weighs 2.4 grams and is actually one of the denser buds in all of the jars. Most of the flowers are a lot “looser” and look pretty cool, at least to me.

Smell: the longer this one has sat in jars, the milder the smell has become, but it’s mostly just anise and “earthy,” which is the same way she smelled on the day I trimmed and jarred her. There’s just less of it now haha. Pretty weird considering how fruity she smelled for the majority of the grow, but I don’t mind it at all.

Taste: I honestly can’t taste anything when I smoke her, either out of a bong or in joints. I’ll text that friend of mine who uses a vape later today when he’s done at work and see what he has to say about the flavor. I know he likes this one a lot because he was texting me last week about how much he enjoys it, but he never mentioned the flavor and I didn’t ask, so… I’ll find out and update this later on if he says it tastes amazing out of his vape or something.

High: So, uh, this weed is fucking amazing haha. I’d have to say that it’s probably the most “Haze”-leaning high of any weed that I’ve ever smoked, just based on what I’ve read about Hazes. But yeah, it’s a super-, super-, SUPER-clear high, no fogginess, no confusion or anything like that. The comeup is totally pleasant, no raciness or rushiness. Takes about twenty minutes or so to fully hit me, but when it does, it’s awesome.

I find it to be very motivating and energetic, but not in a frantic/panic-y sorta way. Honestly, more than anything else, this weed makes me wanna dance haha. I actually smoked some of this with that Perfume Smeller friend of mine yesterday and did get up and dance every now and then, when a good song like “Psycho Killer” or whatever would play.

So yeah, there’s that aspect of the high. It also lasts a really long time, I’d say three hours at least, followed by a very easy comedown, no lethargy or anything like that. It mostly just leaves me feeling refreshed. Having said that, I wouldn’t (and haven’t) smoke this any later than 7pm, but that’s because I usually get in bed by 11 or so. It isn’t gonna help you fall asleep, is my point haha. I really wanna emphasize, though, the total lack of any kind of raciness whatsoever (which is a good thing in my book). It isn’t like that. It’s very good, very positive, happy, social, chatty, motivating weed, but in a relatively calm and focused way. A+++ or 5 stars or however you wanna do your ratings system haha.

I think it’s so interesting, too, because that #2 plant barely stretched (especially compared to some of the other stuff from this round), didn’t look like a “Sativa,” IIRC I think I had her on a five-gallon bucket in the tent just to try to maintain an even canopy with the other, taller stuff I was growing. But she’s absolutely the most “Sativa”-type high of everything I grew this round and maybe possibly ever.

Goooooooood, goooooood weed for sure. Next time I plant some of those seeds, I’m definitely taking cuts, I swear! haha…

Edit: I should also mention that this plant started throwing nanners near the end, which is the reason why I chopped “her” on day 80. You can actually see a few in that last nug shot. They seemed to be sterile, though, because I haven’t found any seeds at all yet. Still irritating haha, but as long as they’re sterile, I don’t mind it too much.


If someone has any F2 from Doc i will be happy to trade it :pray: Dont have any Doc genetic and i see lots of great stuff :dizzy:

PM me :grin: thanks


Thanks for posting the smoke report :+1::raised_hands:


No problem. It’s pretty interesting weed, doesn’t really remind me of any of the other A5T crosses I’ve grown, nor does it remind me at all of Bodhi’s Mountain Temple. She’s probably most similar to his Tree of Life, but I’d say that the high from this particular Wat Pho is even clearer and more energetic than that one was. Great weed for sure.


Props to you and respect to Doc and Bodhi. Clearly, your skill, dedication and focus elevated the genetics to a level that could please a tough NYC crowd and take home the Gold. Salute.


Hello! I have a quick question regarding the sour that was used in making sour iron maiden, does anyone know what cut of sour was used in the cross?

A vague memory is saying archives cut of sour


Thank you!

Yeah, it was Archive’s. I actually just looked through all of my old correspondences with Doc so I could quote him re that Sour Diesel, just because I remember asking him about it, what the deal was, but I couldn’t find the email in which he talked about it. I do remember him saying that it was the most “Sour Diesel” Sour Diesel he’s found. I didn’t think the one SD x Dragon Energy plant I grew to be particularly Sour D-leaning as far as flavors were concerned, but she was still good weed. And I’m gonna grow some more at some point, maybe I’ll find something “better.”

I will say, though, that as I went through all of those emails just now, I was like,”Wow, I don’t remember a lot of these…” haha. But going through them again, it was pretty surprising (and refreshing) just how responsive and helpful he was. I mean, I didn’t constantly pepper him with questions or anything, but yeah, he’s a very responsive dude.

Love Doc D! Haha…


Also, here’s a good grow log of that Sour Diesel/A5T hybrid that I’m posting a link to (again): A5Haze/Thai fun from Doc D (Zang!, Sour Diesel x A5 Haze/Thai, Bandaid Haze ix 3.0)

All you have to do is look…


Hey erybody, got these from OG VETERANS GIVEAWAY. 1st time I ever had 2 plants from 1 seed!? Was gonna take a pic at birth, but I’m usually 2 weeks behind. :older_man:so here it is at 2 weeks. :grin: hope it’s okay to post this here?
I just saw the name, I’ll have to go back and finish reading the thread. :older_man::owl::sunglasses:


Other two Metal Haze x Dragon Energy females.

These are leaning more towards the DE side if I were to guess with 1/3 less stretch than the tallest female with the very narrow leaves.


Going thru a flavor/scent hunt currently. 3 purple punch x dragon energy in there about two weeks in flower. One of them, the most vigorous one, has a pronounced Kool aid, and it’s thus far the standout of the tent. The other two are more orangy.

Wasn’t sure how dragon energy was going to cross with pp but I’ve had infused pp joints that someone brought over and the smell on this one is even better - hopefully it stays, the de overpowered the corintos as far as I can tell on my last grow.


Dragon hammer nearly the finish - top leaves yellowed hard I think from being too wet. Smells nice like lime citrus and some sorta oil. Floppy and lowers arent filling out too much.


Metal Haze x Dragon Energy @boatbum325
Day 53F

1( late edit)
Wrong plant posted. Deleted, Future post will be corrected.

Both two and three are similar in height. Not what these two are leaning.


My head hurts trying to figure out what would be most dominant in the DE lineage.


i think the intention is a gassy/fuel profile, stretchy vigorous plants - which checks out with the crosses i have grown. but in my current grow of purple punch x de, so far the purple punch seems so be coming out on all three at different degrees, well at least in scent terms.


Thanks, I appreciate the info brotha. Just did a sugar leaf rub on both, 2 is earthy gas scent, 3 is the very gassy og like.


I dunno, I think it depends on what that DE male was crossed with, as far as stretchiness is concerned, anyway. Here’s a C. Gold x DE that I’m assuming leaned male, the #1 plant:

Compared to the #2 plant,

that #1 plant barely stretched. Those are four-foot stakes in those pots, just for size reference.

The flowers were also pretty different-looking. Here’s the #1’s:

And the #2’s:

You can see that the #1 had much more calyx-y, chunky nugs than that #2 plant. The highs were also very, very different from one another. The #1 plant smoked really heavy, not super-enjoyable (for me), whereas the #2 plant was a very happy, up, joyous sort of experience. That #2 plant is still some of my favorite weed ever. I barely touched the jars of the #1 after I wrote the smoke report haha.

Anyway, yeah, I dunno. That’s just one hybrid, so… I do remember thinking that that #1 plant was tiny compared to the #2, pretty sure she was about the same height as the Sky Cuddler Kush I grew that same round, but I could be forgetting. I just remember when I untied that #2 C. Gold plant thinking,“How the fuck did I grow this one in that tent?” haha.