Doc D cannabis seeds

Bullshit. Every seed could turn out “special.” You never know. That’s, like, one of my favorite things about growing, is that you just never know. It’s like a hidden prize in every pack, every seed, like the lottery or something haha. And even if you don’t find a “winner” or whatever, it all usually turns out pretty dang good and smokeable, anyway. I love the weed I grow.

I really liked those Headbangers I grew last year. Or was that two years ago? I dunno, but I’m still smoking that every now and then. Didn’t turn out Sour Diesel-ish, but it’s still tasty. Love the high, too.

Yeah, I’m late on getting on that Piff Coast train, saw that they were doing their own little Sour Diesel thing, but I missed it. Plant those seeds, let us know how they turn out. I’m curious.

I shoulda planted those Outer Limits seeds this round, I dunno why I didn’t. Next round, though, for sure.

Log it! I wanna see that. I got a pack of those as freebies a while ago. Wasn’t really planning on ever growing them out (or not soon, anyway), but I’ve always loved Headband. I got a batch, years ago, that was so fucking good I quit bothering even looking for Headband anymore haha. Kinda quit looking for weed altogether and said,”Grow your own…” Serious finger-hash for days from that one batch of Headband, never seen anything like it. I smoked a fatty of it and totally forgot I had a meeting at work that day; this co-worker of mine called me like 15 minutes after I blazed it, she was all like,”Hey, you said you were gonna give me a ride to the meeting,” and I was like,”Fuck!” haha. Got to the meeting and my manager was like,”Chris! Would you like to get up and show us your selling technique?” all smile-y and thinking I would be enthusiastic and I was just like,”No. I don’t want to do that. Ask somebody else.” haha.

Anyway… Mhm. Love that Headband haha!


You’re right. Maybe “perceivably special” is a better way to put it. It’s always nice to be surprised by the quality of something you really didn’t expect to be extreme fuego.

I will. I’m saving the pack for when I know I can take clones, keep a mom, etc. Old school Sour D is one of my favorites and I’d be floored to find something that fits the bill, but not be able to hold onto it.

Will do, dude. There’s one already popping up which is a good sign. I’ll get a new log going in the coming days. You can watch me try to not fuck shit up haha.

I, as well, brother. That’s the only reason I got this pack. That’s also a funny work story. I definitely have a few like that myself. Don’t know how I didn’t get fired at times from getting too stoney.


Yeahhhhh, I always say the same thing, that I won’t grow this or that until I feel confident in my cloning skills and whatever. Fuck all that. I’ve fully decided and become comfortable with I’m just gonna be that dude who grows new seeds every run. I really don’t wanna have to be keeping moms and clones around and stuff. Maybe that makes me a “shitty grower” or whatever. I love the plant, but not enough to keep them around for longer than one grow. Is that bad? Haha…

You’ll be fine. You’ll grow some fire. Growing weed is pretty easy, I think.


This ended up way longer than I intended so I apologize. But cloning used to be my weakest area and I absolutely despised the process. Turns out that its way simpler than I thought, and internet information was just overcomplicated and un-necessary.

Just keep popping seeds at all times! Most plants from pops truly are not worth cloning, and can often be found again in repeat seed pops. But every now and then you will get a plant that makes you go “holy shit”. For situations like this, it is great to have cloning protocols down reasonably well. And it definitely helps to grow the plants in a way that allows for easy re veg, just in case you find a real unicorn. Passing that cut back to a breeder could really help expand the gene pool in a positive way!

Cloning is really really easy, but is made complicated by people trying to take your money. After going through all sorts of advanced protocols and stupid bullshit I read on the internet, I threw all of my methods away and went back to trays and domes. Its just stupid simple now.

There are a few things to consider when cloning. Understanding all of these variables basically guarantees success, as you will be able to make decisions based on your understanding of the cloning process. Rather than following arbitrary steps and bad practices posted on forums.

Mold is the main enemy when cloning with domes, but is easily taken care of with clean practices. Clean equipment and periodically exchanging air is all you need need to do for this to work! If there are no mold spores, its more of a “when” rather than “if” the cuttings will root.

Now we have to determine what is actually happening during the cloning process? Why are we doing what we are doing… Basically… Plants cannot regulate their rate of transpiration. So in a “normal” growing environment they are allowed to transpire at a very high rate, but do not have a root mass that can keep up. We, as growers, can regulate this rate of transpiration via vapor pressure deficit. The higher VPD is, the faster plants transpire. The lower the VPD, the slower they transpire. So we use domes on fresh cuttings to dramatically reduce VPD via increasing humidity. This reduces transpiration and allows cuttings to maintain their turgor pressure. This gives cuttings time to develop new roots. BUT it is also the perfect environment for mold growth. This period is where most people fail, because mold infections out pace root development. This is basically day 1-7 or so.

After time, the plants will go through what is called direct organogenesis, pushing new root cells out of the stem of the cutting. Once this immature root structure is formed, the cuttings are now full fledged plants and only need to go through the hardening process. At this point, you are good to go as long as you didn’t see any stem rot. You just have to remove the dome for a progressively longer duration of time over the course of 3 or so days. Once the dome is off, risk of mold almost entirely disappears. New roots typically appear on day 7-8. Those roots can be allowed to mature in the dome through day 10-12. Then we can harden the plants off at our own pace.

  1. Get a tray, humidity dome, and tray insert if applicable.
  2. Spray/wash down the dome and tray with 4 tbsp bleach per gallon. Assemble tray and dome and close vents while it is still wet. This allows more dwell time. Let it sit for an hour.
  3. Open it up and either wipe down with paper towels, or let it air dry. After this close the dome again.

You can do these steps weeks in advance as long as you store the trays with domes on top, vents closed.

  1. Prepare a full tray of root plugs. Soak them in full strength veg nutrients for like 5 mins. Drain water from bucket, do not squeeze out plugs. Rapid rooters are great. I use iHort 40/40 plugs.

    Rockwool is garbage by modern standards, dont use.

  2. Wash cuttings off in room temp water just to remove any possible spores. I use an oxidizer but you dont need to.

  3. Dip ends of cuttings in rooting gel (I like IBA based rooting gels, roottech is what I use, but aloe works well too). Then put them in the plugs. Keep all other empty plugs in the tray and moist!! These help maintain the humidity in the dome, allowing for low VPD. If you load up 4-8 cuttings in a dome, it is likely that your plugs will dry out before root formation. I dont like standing water in the domes.

  4. Put under a 1/3 strength veg light and… Wait until you see roots haha. Avoid poking and prodding as that just introduces contaminates and can lead to failure. Ask me how I know!

  5. After you see roots, start the hardening process. Remove dome for an hour day 1, then 3 hours day 2, then 6 day 3, then you are done. Plant them.

It sounds a bit more complicated than it really is in practice. Wash trays, wash domes, rinse cuts, dip cuts, set cuts, forget about them for 5-7 days. If they have to be watered, water. Day 12 or so remove the dome, and increase time without dome each day until they no longer droop without the dome. At this point the plugs will dry out quickly so misting the plugs every day with full strength nutrients is best.


Great write up @advancedbuffalo!

I would like to add the after the clone is cut, the stem needs to callus before any roots start forming. Therefore I think it is a good idea to not keep the media overly wet. I also think temperature plays a huge role in the success of the cuttings. I have also used Zerotol instead of bleach, and it worked well.


Oh, yeah, it’s not that I don’t think I know how to clone; it’s that I just don’t want to keep mothers around and stuff. I’ve done the rooting plugs thing a couple times and even got roots the first time I tried, when I cloned some Mountain Temples and Gojis, years ago. The second time, I think I just didn’t give them enough time and tossed them. Both times, I actually used the method suggested on the BAS website, which is pretty much the exact way you suggested, but instead of using cloning gel and veg nutrients (I don’t have either of those things), I used aloe, fulvic and… something else, per BAS’s instructions. I can’t remember what the third thing is offhand. I have all of those things already, though, since I use them in my grow.

I definitely haven’t ever seen any mold or anything. I’m really OCD about, well… everything haha, so I always clean my trays and domes and everything beforehand. It’s really just a matter of me being a combination of lazy and impatient. I guess.

That’s a really good point and one I never considered.

I’ll probably take some clones when I pop those Outer Limits, just because Sour Diesel is my all-time favorite-tasting strain. If I can find something that even remotely tastes like actual Sour Diesel, I’ll want to keep that around for a long time. I’ve got two trays/domes and actually have two aerocloners, as well (bought one last year and the place messed up and sent two, so… bonus), so I could maybe even try both media. We’ll see.


i’ve seen people cloning in plastic water bottles, or a cup of tap water , they put the cutting by the window and it looks like it roots every fucking time, and fast too, i’m trying it myself right now, domes, cubes, rooting gel and stuff are lame and i hope i can get rid of it for ever


Yeah, I’ve seen that, too. Honestly, it’s really just a matter of: I don’t wanna take clones haha.


Awesome he has dogman on his logo! I am for sure buying some of his beans now !

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If any of you Doc D heads ever feel like doing a seed reproduction, I have 7 beans left of Spell Caster. It’s Band-aid Haze no7 x Headbanger. It’s an amazing hybrid that the F2’s could could reveal more gems.

Only people that can make this happen soon would be preferable.



I can’t do it right now as I’m going into week 2 of flower myself. But I would absolutely love some of these F2 beans if it happens. Also on the prowl for some F2 Swamp magic


Someone say swamp magic? :wink:


I picked up 3 packs of a5s1 x af/pak with the intent to f2 them. probably won’t get to pop them soon. maybe by the time the pandemic is over.


Aw fuck yeah


I have a repro project going right now, but I know the Spellcaster is magic. I’d take it on if we could plan on a summer 2022 timeframe! That is assuming everything goes well over here. This will be my first repro, but I’ll have Copa helping me out in person as well.


hope your current run goes well. When the time is right, reach out and I’ll be there.



Incredible, thank you!!


I can’t say enough about how great of a person Doc is. Of course funds are low and seeds are not a priority during the holidays I love supporting Doc and you can’t beat his prices.

That being said, I bought a couple packs from his new drop, and he was kind enough to throw in a 5 seed freebie pack, even though I didn’t qualify for one. A good one at that !
Thanks Doc :green_heart:


True. Doc is a legit good guy. “The dude abides”.