Doc D cannabis seeds

sweeeet! i’m looking forward to this! :heart_eyes: a collaborative community seed run will be very cool. i’ll have to read-up on the goji og run to see if there were any issues they ran into or if there are best practices they recommend.


You’ll notice that I haven’t been chiming in on this particular idea and there’s a reason for that: I’m not interested in being involved in any sorta seed run/collaboration. I sent a pack of the 3.0 to another OG member a while back; those were subsequently sent to somebody else, I can’t remember who it was right now. If they’re reading this, maybe they wanna grow those seeds or send them to somebody who will and y’all can consider that my contribution to the cause. But I really do not want to be involved in this, if for no other reason than I wanna keep the remaining seeds of the BAH 3.0 that I have (although there are other reasons, too haha).

Sorry. I’m not trying to be a dick or anything. I’ve sent a lot of seeds that I paid for to people who were interested in them and didn’t ask for anything in return, so you’ll forgive me if just this once I “hoard” those BAH seeds.

Sounds like a cool idea, though haha! For real, I hope y’all document it. I’ll be first in line to watch the whole thing unfold, but yeah, I’m keeping the rest of the BAH seeds that I have.


one hundred percent understand. people will say anything to get a pack of seeds especially if they are rare and/or coveted. when we did the goji run someone, I can’t remember who, sent a pack to a member with the impression that they would participate in growing and sharing pollen. that person who got that pack hasn’t even popped them as far as I know.

we should also state clearly that this is for pure BAH ix (3.0 or 4.2) and nothing else. I only have the 3.0 so that’s all I can commit to. even if i had both i couldn’t run them at the same time and keep the pollen from intermingling.


I have like 5 seeds of BAH that I got from @BeagleZ who got them from @highminwin that I would be willing to donate if needed. I believe they are 3.0.


I have a 10 pack of f2s of the 3.0 if you guys want to get more complex.


one issue I think could be improved upon is sharing pollen. when we ran goji and everyone popped their seeds upon receipt and vegged for about 6 weeks took cuts and then flowered all the seeds together at once.
What I propose is to flower the males first to collect pollen. we could do this by taking rooted cuts and flowering them to determine sex and only letting the males to continue to flower. this way everyone would get pollen at roughly the same time and the first male to open his pollen sacs wouldn’t dominate the majority of the available pistils.

this would give us the highest genetic diversity and we could share pollen before anyone’s females get to day 28. ( but with a long flowering cross idk if day 28 would be the best time to pollinate for high seed production.)


I was dumb not to snag any of the bandaid haze. I knew that was a mistake. Anyhoo, I’ll support the run anyway I can. Not sure I have the space in winter to do a full pack OP, but I’d donate cash money to the person packing and shipping out. My 2 cents, but I am a quiet little hillbilly from the back arse of nowhere so who cares.


I think it would be cool to do something more rare instead of the BHix3.0.

Seems like lots of people have packs already. Multiple people already did f2s and the parent stock is still around so it’s not in need of preservation at this time.

Also I am doing my second 10 pack hunt through the ix3 so for me personally it’s already been done. Add me to the list of people making F2s already lol

That said…I still think it would be cool to get the BH out there and get people growing it so it can trickle down to the smoker community but I feel like that can be achieved easier by sharing clones.

Not trying to nay say the group hunt idea…still think it will be fun. Just food for thought. Maybe we should look at something more rare than the BH.


Do you have any suggestions on a more rarer strain to run for the group? I am open to that


There’s 5 or 6 people who have packs from the list so far I believe? That’s not very much. Plus, for rarer packs, everyone would have to have some.

This group run would hopefully have around 75+ cultivars to look through, I don’t think the more rare stuff is feasible for a group run of seeds, but that’s just my opinion. Need to find something thats not really rare, but just not available . Rarer packs a would be a great candidate for the co-op however, as that is it’s purpose, so please, get some info and post up there so they can vote on it!


Haven’t tried these to know even if they are worth it but I think some of these might be fun maybe that’s just me because of my love for the show :joy: fight milk in general because bodhis strawberry milk intrigues me if there even able to be found

looking at his insta franks little beauties might be one to try and find looks phenomenal
Franquito does too

So does jabronies


Oh, yeah, no, the BAH seeds that I sent to somebody wasn’t a situation like that. That actually was a trade (I hadn’t grown any out yet; probably wouldn’t have included those if I had haha) with an OG member who’s very generous and who I actually like haha. It wasn’t any kind of shady shit. I’m not bitter about it, anyway haha.

I was just saying, you know… I wanna hold on to the rest of my BAH seeds haha! That’s all.


No SHADYNASTY? Haha… Thats all that’s missing, I think.


Haha, I’m currently rewarching It’s Always Sunny. Didn’t know Doc D made a line, that’s hilarious


I don’t really know what’s rare or not but I was too cheap to buy the ix3.0 so I bought a bunch of Cuban black x a5thaibx. Regardless of what happens with the group thing I’ll prob be popping two packs (realistically, but maybe more if I can) of the Cuban black cross. If I find any easy growing males will definitely share here. Since I missed out on the ix3.0 I’ll def be in the market for pollen if the group is still doing it’s thing.


Doc D Seeds SHADYNASTY — Higher Thought Forgot that one it does sound real nice :+1:


Dude… I’ve posted that link like four times in this thread haha! I’m aware of it. Good review.


Oh I know I should of quoted you just thought others might want to read it too without searching😁


great thoughts all around, i’m glad we’re discussing this.

i’m not opposed at all to doing a community seed run of something more rare. but i don’t have enough experience with doc d’s genetics to properly weigh in on what might be the best choice. so if there are others who can make good recommendations, we can certainly see if that would be a better use of our resources and enthusiasm.

the only rarer things i can imagine would be seeds from doc d’s special vault treasures list or the $100 per pack seeds. the issue would be sourcing enough seeds to get to the growers. with 5 growers at 10 seeds, that’s 50 seeds. not impossible, but for rare seeds it may be a challenge.

searching through the overgrow threads i’ve only found @vernal who has f2’d the bandaid hazes and has offered them up for trade or sale, and i believe he did that in 2020. i see other mentions of bandaid haze f2’s, but nothing being shared with the community. let me know if i’ve missed anything obvious. i only just joined overgrow early this year, so my awareness of what’s already floating around is minimal.

for now, i would say we can continue with plans for the bandaid haze in december, and if we come across a better opportunity before then, we can always run that strain instead. hey, i sure wouldn’t mind setting aside BH if something even better crosses our desk. but we already have enough seeds to supply all of our volunteer growers and it would just be a matter of logistics and organization for a BH run.


so maybe whoever is willing to do a seedrun should post their doc d collection to see what everyone has to work with and then put it to a vote.
I’ll be able to get mine up when I get home.