Does Anyone Hate Kiwis?

Phew. I thought I was going to have to call homeland security on you.

As much as I love Canadians, your opinions on pizza are not considered lol


I worked in Montreal and my coworker took me to this pizza joint and told me I HAD to try the smoked salmon pizza. Now I love smoked salmon, but didn’t think it belonged on pizza.

I was wrong.


Pizza Hawaii won´t be possible without pineapple :yum:


Mmmm, luau pizza, pit roasted pork and Pineapple!

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The only fish I’ve found, that i actually enjoy the flavor of, is Blue/ Silver catfish, in a “123 beer batter”. Everything else tastes like… well, fish. I think it comes from a trout bone choking trauma

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Yep gold are delicious

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As a supporter of the Irish Rugby Football Union, I am predisposed to hating kiwis. We have a history.



Kiwis are great! I eat them with the peel on just like apples or potatoes. If I didn’t like the peel I probably wouldn’t like the fruit.

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They look like they’re full of fungus gnats when you slice them.


They probably are. :rofl:

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Cold Hardy kiwis NY. First year I got about a pound. Then about a pound a year increase ever year. About 7 pounds a year now.
They form early, look ripe all summer, but are horribly acrid until they turn soft in october


What came first the kiwi, the kiwi, or the kiwi?

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well Kiwi the fruit is a re name since noone liked chinese gooseberry


Rename it snozberry and maybe @Foreigner will come around to it :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


i think the bird is first, nick name second, fruit 3rd

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Time to break out the runcible spoon.

You guys are gross

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Speed in because I thought we were going to hate on New Zealanders…

VERY disappointed… however, if you think kiwi are testicle like, check out a rambutan

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I don’t want to get too into the look of normal testicles but if those are yours consult a doctor.