Does curing increase potency?

I’ll agree with that… but say that same potent weed was cured… now there’s a noticeable difference… it’s like food… if it is the same exact steak… cooked the same exact way but 1 looks gross and 1 looks picture perfect… the perfect 1 will actually taste better to every single person who eats it over the ugly steak… all these things play a part on our minds… and they are scientifically proven to have an effect… while curing doesn’t probably increase potency a cured bud will have more potency than uncured identical bud… this is because the uncured bud degraded faster and didn’t retain things like the cured bud did


wrong one…its coming… trying to post a link and as usual I’m having difficulty. Can someone post a link on the decarboxylation process?

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Yes @PlantShepherd it definitely did translate to more potency for sure… but it didn’t technically make it more potent… just didn’t allow any diminishing… so same thing essentially


As soon as I get this friggin difficult grow done I am going to be doing a side by side on here to show some proof of the difference


Check out the decarboxylation process. You can use an oven heated to a certain temperature…I want to say 270 degrees… the weed is placed in there for a certain length of time …I want to say 30 minutes. This will decarboxylate your cannabis, similar to the longer way of curing in jars or Underground in clay pots or wrapped in leaves as is done traditionally. Using a torch on your pot will also decarboxylate it, but not as efficiently.


You have to grow the right pot to be a believer. I have plenty of seed I could send you and you can see for yourself. I have some purple Malawi left. Freeze some immediately upon drying to prevent any degradation in your experiment. C u r e the rest in jars for a minimum of three months, burping it once a day for a week, every other day for two weeks, once a week for a month and then again at month 3.


Sounds delicious I’d love to try that

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Send me a message and I’ll send you some seeds. Same goes for two other people. I’ll send out 3 packs total since there are three people here. You guys will have to give me a couple weeks though I’m backed up with my package sending right now.


This does a much much better job of decarb than a oven 10x over. I dont think though it makes a bit of difference other than edibles. You Decarb weed when you put a flame to it to smoke it.

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Flowering time 10 or 11 weeks
I don’t recommend the oven method LOL. Quite horrified at the thought😁


No i have a cannatrol… no burping jars for me lol… but I would love to do another side by side … I will probably always do a side by side just to see how much I retain and which settings are best on the cannatrol etc…

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Even putting a flame to this pot it won’t get you very high when it’s fresh dried. With the Thai, nothing at all. Kinda like delta 8 effect. In a way you can kind of feel the potential but the effects are not really noticeable. When I microwaved it one time, holy shit. Real strong.
Purple Malawi’s potency triples when cured.


Message sent … thank you man!!! Much appreciated :pray:


I’ll have to check that out. Hard to teach an old dog new tricks! But I’ll check it out. I bet its easy, but jars are bought and paid for😁


Yeah it’s a set and forget type cure… can cure as long as you want… or little… set your start and end points etc… it very carefully removes moisture without destruction


Sounds pretty sweet. It’s a pain in the ass curing old school, but effective.


It is man… expensive as shit but worth it

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The THCA does convert to THC over time but since we heat up our bud and the temperature converts it to THC that is not the answer. Over time the THC converts to CBN. I have been looking into CBN (know some of you know this but mentioning it as background) and it is in the trics more when the plant is harvested later with amber rather than cloudy. The difference in people’s experience may have to do with the different time people harvest as well as the plant type.

As time goes by the THC converts to CBN, producing a more couch lock effect. I have been looking for papers on CBN (not that I don’t think you guys know what you are talking about, just many falsies about pot gets passed around due to Bro science). I will just post the abstract of this one.

“The interaction of Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol (Δ9-THC) and cannabinol (CBN) was studied in man. Five male volunteers were given placebo, 50 mg CBN, 25 mg Δ9-THC, 12.5 mg Δ9-THC + 25 mg CBN, and 25 mg Δ9-THC + 50 mg CBN (orally). Administrations were spaced 1 week apart. With physiological measures, Δ9-THC produced an increase in heart rate while CBN did not. When combined, no change of the Δ9-THC effect occurred. No changes occurred on the electrocardiogram, blood pressure, or body temperature. With psychophysical measures no changes occurred in pain thresholds or skin sensitivity as a function of drug treatment. In time estimates of the passage of 1 minute, Δ9 -THC alone produced underestimates of the passage of 1 minute and CBN alone had no effect. In combination the two drugs had a tendency to produce significant overestimates and underestimates of the passage of 1 minute. On a 66-item adjective-pair drug reaction scale, the volunteers reported feeling drugged, drunk, dizzy, and drowsy under the Δ9 -THC condition, but not under the CBN condition. With combined drug treatment, volunteers reported feeling more drugged, drunk, dizzy, and drowsy than under the Δ9-THC condition alone. None of the drug treatments produced significant changes on other items which included items on perception, emotion, cognition and sociability. It appears that CBN increases the effect of Δ9-THC on some aspects of physiological and psychological processes, but that these effects are small and cannot account for the greater potency which has been reported when plant material is used.”


Oral doses of delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) 20 mg, combined with placebo or with 40 mg dses of cannabinol (CBN) and cannabidiol (CBD), were given to volunteers. The combination of THC with CBN produced no detectable changes in the quality, intensity, or duration of the effects of THC alone. The THC-CBD combination tended to delay onset and prolong effects of THC, while making them somewhat more intense. Even this interactive effect was slight, providing no reason to abandon the current practice of basing doses of marihuana for clinical studies solely on THC content.

So there seems to be a response to the different combinations of THC< CBD and CBN. The chemical concentration of the three also change over time. I still want to find a better article, like finding a needle in a haystack.


Very cool read!!! Love it!

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