How far can you cut for clones?

Sorry if this is a bit of a waste of a question- but like, how many clones can you take/how small of a cutting will root?

Like, say I have this mother. She has 3 long branches with tons of leaves and nodes.

(This is a monster clone forgive the kinda crazy vegetation) If I had zero regard for the mother I could presumably turn her entirely into clones. But how many? Take the main stem of each branch, and cut every few nodes? Can you root say every node with a leaf attached?

Or conservatively, could I take one entire branch? Would be losing maybe 25-30% of her canopy, seems recoverable?

And on top of all that… will her clones be in the same revegging state? I find her a bit unmanageable, part of the reason I’m wanting to cut her up. But she makes good smoke, and grew really well from seed. I have other seedlings to take better clones of the same strain from but I don’t know, what do you guys think? I feel like I have this 80% figured out but that last bit is beyond me.


Good question ive never tried to section a branch to multiple clones. Usually 1 branch = 1 clone unless theres long shoots coming off the branch. Id take 1 per branch. Im not sure how well rooting and recovering will go with both ends cut open.

As for the reveg stage yes youre stuck with that til she reverts to veg fully. The clones will still be revegging. Are you giving 24hrs light?


You could also do as you said and take whole branch per clone they just be taller. But id stick to 6" cuts or so n let her reveg too shell blow up next time you flower her

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You have to wait until she starts growing healthy new growth again. Taking cuts from a revegging plant will bring more problems than it is worth.
This is a game of patience.



Ahh, I didn’t know that she’d ever revert. She’s been like this for months. Hmm, ok…

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Tried this once. Waited it out but in the end bid it fair well. Wouldn’t clone it till normal growth comes in. I gave mine like 6 weeks and it still spitting out single blade leaves. Good luck I hope she’s worth it.

Edit: yeah she started budding at some point and what your seeing is the unraveling of those buds.


Yeah, given the experiences I’m hearing here, she needs a trim and a few more months. She’s vegging like crazy, but it’s all weird growth still. SOME 3 leaf mostly 1 leaf. Considering just flowering and calling it.


18hrs, she’s been in the veg tent a few months.

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I asume the mother this came from was “normal”? Doesn’t look like a mutant…just looks confused.


I would pamper it and put it under long light hours if possible. Feed it good and trim it up to encourage new growth. It might even need a new pot and a root trim but if you feed it grow again and give it light and attention it’ll reveg faster and start putting out regular leaves pretty quick. Each strain is a little different as well. peace


Yep, this was taken from a seed mother I flowered out about 2-4 days after flip. I took the cutting and let it root for like a month, finally started to turn around. Then let her grow, but haven’t really been tending to her. Like @GMan said. I can tell she’s a good one, but yeah she’s confused as hell lol.

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Yeah its just the reveg part is ugly. Always is. Averages a month to reveg under 24 hrs light. I never revegged with 18/6 always went straight 24hrs.

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Shell revert. Put 24 hrs on. I didnt want to stir everyone jumping to agreeing with the not to clone during reveg post. Maybe im lucky but ive never had problems cloning a reveg or revegging clones taken in flower. But each has their own methods and might not work all ways. I cut cuts whenever dip in iba gel n put in ezcloner w 24 hrs light. Like clockwork they all root 100% (within 2 weeks )and reveg still happens in a month. Revegs will be ugly bit that doesnt necessarily mean theres problems.


Looks like i’m a little late, but I have actually successfully rooted 2 clones from the same branch. The branch was super long and I cut it in half basically leaving the bottom clone with only the stem and 2 new branches that would form the tops, no fan leaves in only a cup of water. It survived and thrived no issues… Take that for what it’s worth and experiment with new techniques, you never know what’s possible until you try!


If it’s got a couple inches of stem and a node, it can root.


I cut my clones very small, like 6 inches, but I like them to have 4 leaves.

That way they have something to eat when they’re hungry and I still end up with a nice healthy clone.

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I wouldn’t say you’re late- I think I’m going to try and root whatever I take off, but given that given some more time she’ll go back to normal? Ok, I won’t cut her all up then.

I’ll report back here on how the clones do- I plan to flower them ASAP, as I’m not enjoying the unruly monsters. But I hate waste- I’d much rather throw some of the cuttings in the auto cloner. If they die they die. Since I don’t plan to keep this plant as a mother she was my choice for cutting to pieces. Basically I want to take my heavy vegging single plant, and flower several smaller plants. I usually root with just water but I think I might add some aloe gel… we’ll see this weekend.

But like, how BIG? You know? How much leaf surface do they like? I know too much is just as bad as too little.

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Yes, if you leave a node on each branch for the mother it can survive. It doesn’t matter which branches have the new node really unless it’s really having issues making healthy clones or becomes so root bound you need to replace it, or up pot, etc. depending on your space.

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Pretty small.

I cut from the tips so big fan leaves don’t really enter into the equation.

Some people trim fan leaves to make them smaller.

As long as you’re not going crazy small or crazy big I wouldn’t worry too much about it.

I use a bubble cloner and a half a humidity dome with no nutes and I change the water weekly.

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