Dogwalker S1 Set Giveaway

Fellow OGers love to thank you all for creating such a nice community of good minded folks. It’s amazing to see the diversity on the platform on a simple thing we have in common. Want to thank a dear friend @Rastafarhigh for bringing me here. Thanks also to @hoss8455 for this awesome giveway. Big Love :green_heart:


Awww bro. Ya got me blushin over here :face_with_peeking_eye: and right back attcha @Natea
This list would get way to long if I had to thank every OG member that has a good heart, is genuine and takes the values of this hobby and applys it in real life.
Alot of the members I would of listed are already tagged on this thread.
I haven’t seen @Coffin_Dodger and @Til_Valhalla names up here. So to them I give thanks :pray:
For their detailed grow logs, great interactions, the effectsof the plant medically and just making OG a great place all around :pray::green_heart:
For generosity and truly OG’n the eff outa this place, we got @Wizdom @Rhai88 @Rena93 @Tracker and so many more, like I said. The list could go on and on.
BTW @hoss8455 this has gotta be the best wiki in the year and a half or so I’ve been blessed to be apart of y’all life. Ty.
To all my growchacho’s, have a great effin day :+1:


This👆. Don’t feel left out of I didn’t tag you if reading this, there are so many good people I have met on here.


Too many to list… mind melting… brain can’t compute.

Seriously though… never thought on the internet I’d find a space with the amount of friendly/cool people we have interacted with over the years. A few standout @Heliosphear, @middleman @tresbundles and @anonymous4289 all come to mind for me in different ways. Lots to say about em. Not enough time to describe it all but they’re all great dudes!


As already mentioned, there are many generous people here. I’m grateful @joheimgrohen and @Maddawg told me to join. It’s given me the opportunity to share and receive more than I imagined.

Here’s a fully seeded Dream Blush by @Kasper0909


i would have to throw it right back to @Rhai88 . he used my strain blueberry diesel to do giveaways and bred new crosses with it along with F2s . i’m honored that anyone would use my genetics especially to that extent. very kind and generous with all his giveaways. :+1: :clap:


Thanks for the kind words mate, had to deal with alot of blow back from that situation. My word is my bond though, so happy you got the clone only cuts. Enjoy :v: :blush:


thank you @hoss8455 for this!

Gotta give my flowers to two very stand up OGs!

@Wizdom for holding it down and weathering the storm of a really bad situation, and staying true to his word and holding everyone down!

@TricycleOfDoom for being a real stand up guy! Even though we havent chatted in awhile, I really have enjoyed our exchanges and really thankful for giving me the Back to the Congo, probably one of my favourite plants to grow!


Thanks @sprinklememaynee Enjoy the cuts :wink: :v:


Shoutout to @hoss8455 for his superb creations and his giveaways, also to @crunkyeah, @opj, @bigLblazed, @santero, @JohnnyPotseed, @cYx, @darkillusion, @NDNCHILD , @Swe-can , @THCeed @LemonadeJoe @DougDawson and everybody i forget who make OG to the best Forum…


@DougDawson is always running seeds for folks and is a major contributor to OG. I really appreciate what he’s done for OG. Very giving guy.


Thanks for the shoutout @Wizdom . You’re always on the lookout for someone mate :+1: . @DougDawson does so much for the people :+1: . @LemonadeJoe for keeping the place going :+1: . @JohnnyPotseed just a legend and a good bloke. Thanks for the chance to win these seeds @hoss8455 :v:


Thanks for the kind words @Itslegalnow and @Pixie65 :v:


My friend @JonPott is extremely generous and kind. Always has positive words to share. He’s doing an awesome job starting up on some seed increases - dude has runs planned for all kinds of excellent strains, all for the community! What a true OG :v:



I would like to thank @santero for his beautiful threads and the devotion to the community, inspiring. He was one of the first members who’s work I have been following. :pray: Best wishes :v:

@9mag stumbling upon your thread and seeing the crosses you made was already a great find, even getting better with custom packaging and the 3d printed boxes full of spectacular information :grinning:

@bigLblazed you keep pulling different gems :gem: out of your magic :tophat: and spreading it like thick smoke in the sky :partying_face: I’ll be watching to see you grow, the future is looking green :v:

@T0P My pleasure seeing you show up on OG and even share some of your beautiful buds with the world wide web :globe_with_meridians: this place feels like coming home and I knew you’d like it here.

:sweat_smile: I’ll just stop here but I could probably go on for ages. Such a great vibe here, combined with the huge amount of beautiful pictures and interesting projects makes me realize I still have a lot of stuff to try :partying_face:


I have several people I could state and would also say the same kind words to @emeraldbullfrog on what was stated about me! You got this Growmie blushing.

I have to give my shout out to @Tykal as in a latets auction that was down to the last minute snipped the wrong Lot # that I had bids on. Instead of being sour about the accident they generously still had it sent to me which I didnt think they would freely do. I have a seed increase in the works on the item they initially wanted to out bid me on as my thanks.

Hope all that makes sense :sweat_smile:


Cool stuff Hoss!! Good on you and the anonymous donor!! Best of luck to all entering.


Thanks for the shout out @Wizdom for not letting me miss out on an opportunity that that @hoss8455 has kindly offered !
I must say that my hat is off to @DougDawson for the work that he does behind the scene .
I figure that he must be a government worker because a retired guy would not have enough time to do all the stuffs he’s involved with .


Do not draw this thread number. I want to thank everyone for expressing feelings and ideas for me, couldn’t say it better. I am appreciative for this community as it allows me to really plug into my passion and get very involved in it. Thanks hoss, outdoor 2025 for some cheddar skunk crosses!