Dragon's Blood f4 x Appollo11 Genius Pheno

Another of Bodhi’s creations I was fortunate enough to nab.
This is my keeper from a seed run a while back.
It has a really unusual burnt/toasted mango smell, its very distinctive, but hard to pin down.
She produces a decent amount of sticky resin on long narrow sativa like flowers.
Nice yeilder and this particular keeper splays herself out perfectly like she was trained after topping.
Really vigorous in veg, but not leggy or excessively stretchy in veg.
Ive not really put her through her paces much yet, so Im trying it in a lolipop and then I have a block of 4 plants that I kept in a bush form, just to see what she can do.


Really kool setup :ok_hand: digging the square pots. Are your pots on casters or dolly’s ?
Nice healthy plants too, by the way.


Thanks @Indoornesian appreciate the kind words.

The set up is still a bit of a work in progress, we bought our 1st home last year and this is my new grow space, still working physically on it and trying to get it dialled in.

Believe it or not they are just deep pot saucers, I have used dollys before and even those big pots with wheels.

Ive pretty much always used square pots. Actually in the process of phasing them out and using the material type ones instead.

Thanks for taking a look man.


Congratulations on the new house !!! And as long as you’re still working on it, things can only get better to an already good situation. Best of luck, and happy growing.


Thank you man, the house needed a lot of work too. With the lockdowns from covid I had to do most of it myself. We also had our 2nd kid a few weeks ago, so 2 kids under 2😅, but like you said its all good now man. Just hoping to relax and enjoy it now.
Best wishes man.


All right! Very good to see you on the grow.

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I think Ill hang around for this one. :smiley:


@Heliosphear and @Floyd a pleasure to have you guys stop by.

Thank you both very much.


I did the same thing last grow, I didn’t get ones with vapor barrier and don’t like them at all. What kind did you get and are you happy with them?

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Nice ass fan leaves my dude. I dream of getting big ones like that indoors


I actually ended up with both types, I didnt know there was a difference.
Ordered from a couple of places on Amazon.

The ones without a moisture barrier definitely take more patients when watering, any kind of rush and it pours out the sides.

I’ll know more when I can compare the root systems and see if they responded differently.

I have to say Im enjoying them in general, I run perpetual and am always juggling spaces for plants so anything that helps cut down on pot binding is worth a try.

Why did you nog like them man, was it the watering?


Thanks @harveest she is pleasing on the eye to me.
This one is really quick to bulk up, does the work for me.


Definitely the watering, the evaporation rate changed and ended up cross cutting the bottoms to transplant to pots. I’m sure vapor barrier fabric pots with a drain ring work much better, can’t afford’ em so… going back to pots.

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Yeah, Im with you @Heliosphear, sometimes when Im going through the growing pains of working out a new technique, I find myself thinking along the …" if its not broken, don’t fix…" lines.
Fingers crossed you can find the right ones for you.

Just a quick update on the lolipop formed lady.


Couple more pictures of the lolipoped 1


Not sure how I missed this for a month. Plants look great and sounds like a dangerous cross :smiley:

Congrats on the house and the new baby! I hope sleep returns soon. Just had my first a month ago, and its hard work.


Thank you very much @Kyumonryu for your kind wishes.
Its been a crazy year for sure, but things are finally starting to calm and settle thankfully.

I really enjoy this cross, a nice sativa leaner without the fuss or long flower time.


Another little update on the bigger plant.
Just hitting week 9 of flower.


Looking tasty! What’re the newer plants in the background?