DrEvilL and his dungeon of Doom


That fucking thin mint smells like minty Vicks vapor rub




Thanks for posting ! I have GPSSTASH variety box or whatever. Haven’t touched it in a couple years

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Do you have a huge separate chest freezer just for the beans you hold?

That grandpas stash looks killer I have a couple f2 and your pics make me want to drop them! Also I believe @misterbee was looking for vanilla frosting just putting that out there.


First of all very nice work. But I’m more interested in the ai artwork. What are you using? I dabbled with Dale 2 but didn’t get very far.

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Yeah It should turn out really nice. It’s the first one I did back from starting to grow again so it was kind of an experimental strain I actually have three of them in these pics but when I made my post I was confused how we do grow diaries on this form so I’ve been trying to figure out how to change the name LOL but I have the two Grandpa stash that are on the right about a week away from harvest. On the other side I have a strawberry banana and thin mint crossed with mac-1 blueberry cupcake.

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In my opinion you can’t really go wrong with ethos but I’m freshly back from starting to grow and I have been here negatives about calling that being said I think he throws us some really nice stuff but there is other s*** out there too. Can’t wait to grow out and game I got from someone here on the site I just can’t remember who it’s like double cherry or some s***.

But vanilla frosting is vanilla frosting x gelato I believe. They were cheaper strain Hunter seeds

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I have been using that one I’ve used Bing and right now I’m actually using one called remix it’s pretty f****** dope.


So how do you get away with the cannabis content? Every time I try something like that, God says no.

My biggest beef with the AI art generators is censorship. Artists should be free to express themselves. Not boxed in by someone else’s views.


Looks awesome in here bro! Love it

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That app really didn’t care that I used the word cannabis sometimes use the word green herb or Green medical herb plant. Sometimes it’s just using the prompt differently and you get what you want in the end.

That Holy Grail kush is a f****** monster I still have a week and a half at least left on the grandpa and it already wants to go into the flower chamber I only say that because it’s overgrown it’s chamber pretty much that one picture I have you can see where the bars connect that’s basically the point where I’m supposed to put it into the flower chamber LOL. Now I’m going to have to bend her around just to get her to f****** fit… I switched from My Fox farms to doing the general hydroponics and seems to have exploded my vegetative growth I can’t wait to see what it does when I put them in flower.


Cannot remember what program this is I believe this was from bing


I really have fallen in love with this one though. Not only do you do multiple pictures so you come up with more than one you also get to pick music and put it on in the background.

That’s awesome ! I’m glad it’s doing so great, I know a ton of people that love GH products! Can’t wait to see the HGK finish up and hear your thoughts

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@TopShelfTrees1 I decided to defoliate today got pretty high up there no pun intended LOL. How late into flower do you usually defoliate?

Forgot the picture LOL

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