Droopy Leaves?

Just transplanted 3 days ago, lightly watered after transplant, then misted top of the soil yesterday.

Bottom right and top left seem droopy no?

Gonna give them a few days to see what they do and keep checking how dry the soil gets each day.

Any thoughts? Other than that they seem healthy.


They are a little droopy but should bounce back fine. I would let them dry out a bit and they should perk back up.


If you can change your light intensity, turning it down a bit for a day or two post transplant can help, especially if the roots get badly disturbed (happens to me if I transplant after watering, dry-ish soil transplants much better)


That’s what I was thinking, just a concerned first time plant parent needing reassurance haha


Thanks for the tip!

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I agree with @Dirtron , a little less light is likely to be beneficial. :slightly_smiling_face:

Another reason I don’t transplant, you can easily lose a week of growth.


I am sure they will be fine.
Nice tent. I got an AC Inifinity as well and think its pretty decent.

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Yeah so far so good on it. Zipper could be a little higher quality but not bad.

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Do you start directly in the bigger pot brother?

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I got a small pot sitting on top of a bigger pot, but yeah, I just drop the seeds in the small one.
I lightly wiggle my finger over the soil a bit, then a little water just once and they take off.

It is also whispered that the vibrations of the insects help them sprout.
But that is too humpty dumpty for most. :smile:

The less I cared about germination rates, the more that sprouted!

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