Hey guys I transplanted 2 days ago, and my leaves are hanging a bit more than usual this morning, and I’m about 6 hours away from lights out, temps are around 70, humidity around 85, any thoughts ?
Usually after transplant, they go thru a little bit of shock. Next watering try and water from the edges of your pots. That should force your roots to start seeking out water.
Thanks indoornesian! I’m gonna touch up the edges of the pots
That’s to high. Get it down below 60 RH if you can.
Are the walls in that space made out of press board?
Yea they are Floyd
both the stems and leaves are down,I think their thirsty
gotta get that humidity down or those walls are gonna get mighty wet soon, starts raining in my tents around 80
As Indoornesian mentioned, watering around the outside of the pots will promote root growth as the roots will stretch to reach where the water is. This has always seemed to work well for me. Also you want to avoid getting the stems too soaked. Hope they bouch back for you!
You should paint them with outdoor paint. White would be best. The moisture will get to the wood. Especially with high humidity like you have now.
I used this stuff in my flower room.
i use that as well on the walls of my grow room with tents in it, used the water tite mold and mildew on the concrete floor and then covered that with this stuff as well,in fact re-doing it now.
Hey guys the fact that they’re on the concrete floor, does that make a difference?
In the winter the cold will affect them but in the summer you should be fine……. @Cory
probably benefitting from the concrete floors in the summer
under the tents i use this closed foam carpet padding its only like 3/4 inch thick,it provides insulation from the temp of the floor, and a added benifit for old guys it makes it easier for me to get on my knees in the tent when working on plants and then back up, on the bare concrete thats hard on my knees…something for all you young guys to look forward to.
Getting them up off the floor will help with root zone temps .
I wouldn’t worry too much about the bit of droop you are seeing. One of the things with cloth pots is to water slowly . If not a lot will just run down the sides. I also push the soil to fill the gap between the pot and soil that they tend to have when dry.
I have found 2 gal of water to be the perfect amount for watering my 7gal pots with no runoff.
Get that humidity down or you are going to have serious problem. If you can up y our temp to around 78 ish and that will cause your rHumidity to go down. Everyone is fighting high humidity the last two weeks…
Thank you everyone for the input, Temps are rising, humidity going down