Dropped oaxacan into a shot glass

Is that how you cure it just smash the whole dried plant I to a jar leaving just enough room for air circulation?

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I actually get the best cure in a walmart bag. Fill the bag two thirds if possible or as much as you have. Close the top By spinning it a few times and putting the top underneath the bag to keep it that way. The same way you treat a loaf of bread. Place this walmart bag inside a brown paper bag. I open it up Once a day. As long as it is moist every time I open it. I wait longer The next time If it is not moist. Then I like to let it sit for a week in there before jarring. As it sits in the Walmart bag I keep tightening The twisted portion of the bag to push more and more air out, And then it pretty much sticks together and stays there.


I used to do something just like that…

Except I put a paper lunch bag or whatever inside the plastic bag

If I left them like that the paper takes up some of the wet

I like the idea to keep twisting the bag down…that’s how you end up with footballs!


I cured in paper bags in a dorm fridge.
Just checked the rh every day and of it got over 80 percent I left the fridge open for n hour. Closed it back and roll on. When it was down to 60 i put em in jar


Cool I like that. Ok is there something I’m missing? Like something huge! Do you have to dry these long flowers different to dry and cure? Is it because of the loose airy buds cause they don’t hold as much moisture like the indica nugs? Thanks.
@upstate do you do this with all your long flowers? Do you move to jars or just leave in Walmart bag.


My phone had changed “jarring” to “journey” lol. I fixed it. Hopefully it makes more sense now😁

Yeah. I hang the whole plant instead of just branches to slow the drying process to 5-7 days
Longer would be ok, but I’m drying during summer, so it goes fast. . Once pretty dry I cut off the branches for a day. Then I cut off the buds, leaving some colas, and put them in the Walmart bag, then put that into a paper bag to keep light out. Fold up.the brown paper bag until you reach the walmart bag so as to push the air out. Put it in the dark. 65-75 degrees works well.


You put it all in the bag? You mentioned smoking stems and all I’m guessing this doesn’t mean stalk also.


Yes all buds and colas are left intact no longer than 6 inches. I think the stems help the buds to lose moisture slower than they otherwise would. If I had a bag full of indica buds I would Remove the buds from the stem.
I smoke small stems. I grip the base of a bud and try to strip all calyxes off the stem…grabbing the base and moving towards the tip. Whenever the stem breaks, I smoke from that point onwards…unless i think i can remove more. Sometimes it breaks prematurely because you are gripping too hard and you’ll be able to get a little bit more stem removed with another try.