Dry and cure

All the dust that may be in my house air. Id 100 percent wash outdoor bud. But yeah in my scenario I simply want cleaner bud. Trichomes are sticky as hell so anything that lands on it will stick. I do a much lazier version than most who wash their buds.

They drip dry and lose that water rather quick anyhow… I haven’t had issues washing them, although when I say wash its very very gentle, light water running over it or swirling in a bucket .


Yes rinsing buds is a must when doing outdoors. Dirt, dead bugs, ants, etc be all over the plant (whether you can see them or not). I either dip in a bucket of water and swirl or hold under running water in the bathtub. Shake a bit and then hang dry. As @BeTheLight said most of the water drips off pretty quickly anyway. For indoor growers it’s probably an unnecessary step, unless you manage to get a bug infestation somehow during flower.


Its a very easy step ( since I am doing a very lazy version :;p ) But even if you break out the buckets, Im already cutting and hanging the plants, whats one extra step for marginally cleaner bud ??? I will probably do this every single time for now on :stuck_out_tongue:


Fair points about sticky trichomes, I hadn’t thought of that. Thanks for the explanations.

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Thank you for posting this guide!


No problem, happy to be of help anyway I can. I learned so much from the original Overgrow, it’s only right to give back.


this is my home-made “dryer”. It’s a foil pie pan, garden netting" used to cover my strawberries" and some hot glue. I have it positioned in my closet to where the ac vent is not hitting it but keeps the air moving around it.


Nice. Do you hang it netting side down so the buds get air flow around the entirety of the buds?

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You can cut at the main stalk and dry the whole thing slowly.

You can cut individual branches.

Or if youre in a hurry cut each bud off individually.

55-60% humidity and 60-65 degrees are good parameters to stay in for quality cure.

Oh and keep it dark with light ventilation.


That’s exactly how I like to grow. I don’t want a chore, I want a hobby. I understand the science behind all the gadgets and soils ECT… But that seems like more of a task. Marijuana has been around forever, and all them gadgets and such didn’t exist. Now I know the weed was way different back then, but with all the strains now, there is always a way to grow it basic. That’s what I’m learning to do, with y’all’s help and maybe I can add some ideas too eventually. I’m also a newish smoker, never touched anything else. I’m with you, don’t overthink it, use common sense and some reading, take it by day… I’m calling it “vibe growing”


You spend months growing and loving your plants And then youre going to be smoking on them for the next few months.

Surely using a humidity meter couldnt be that much a hassle :joy:.

Everyone is different. You got these chill go with the flow…

And the absolute pyschopaths like me. Crossing extra T’s and dottint extra I’s that dont even need to be lol…


Hahaha, ya you got a point, but not really a concern for me. I like you psycho ones tho, y’all the pioneers. But if you start using big fancy words and code, we ain’t gonna be able to talk hahaha

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Wish I had a chill out mode everyday. It is what it is I guess lol

Much love man :joy::pray:


Good talking. You are now Abernathy from the movie “Accepted”. I got a face to the name lmao

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The netting is pulled tight and glued down, the netting is very light and soft, the buds are pretty much floating. You can see the shadows. Sorry, was that the question?

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Amazon will have it here tomorrow, thank you!

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I like these humidity meters, good for once it’s dried and in jars, to make sure it was fully dry and not rotting slowly.

Exactly this, but remove fans before harvest

Thank you. Looking more closely, I see that the netting is between the bud and pan, so the bud floats on the netting. Nice. I’ve got these old freakin’ eyes. labrat lol (1)


Hey there an @mota emoji!
