HL’s First Grow

Hey all! This is my first grow, I’ve got maybe 1/7th of a clue of what I’m doing. Any and all feedback is welcomed.

I have a Mars Hydro tent & light [TS-1000]

I was given a bunch of bagseeds from my aunt that I figured would be great as a starter grow instead of spending money on any fun genetics, kinda like a fuck-it grow if I’m being honest. I picked one bag at random, and initially popped 8 seeds total with the warm paper towel method.

The ones that grew the fastest/I liked the best were RBS [Random Bagseed] 1, 3, 4. [I figured I should come up with a name for them just because…]

Plants are 1 month & 4 days from seed. Started in legit just promix and added perlite for the first part of the month because I couldn’t decide on what nutrients. I initially bought a compost tea and a small 4oz of VPS FlaVUH and fed once at the beginning of week 4, but as I did more research, I ultimately bought the Lotus Nutrients starter 4-pack, and fed them for the second time three days ago (1/4 tsp of Grow and Cal/Mag, each plant got roughly a gallon, fed over the course of an hour.)

The next day after, I had flushed them until I got more runoff because I was concerned over the clawing and nitrogen toxicity. Yellowing leaf tips are also a concern, as well as the rusting on some leaves.

I worry that their size is rather small for being just over a month, and… all of them look quite different. I wonder if it’s the genetic gamble of the bagseeds or I got three different bagseed strains…?

I’m unsure of what to look for in specific terms of indica dominant/sativa dominant/hybrid strains, but I feel RBS #3 (Front right of first pic) is at least a sativa dominant with the thinner leaves and the other two might be hybrid leaning. RBS #1 (Front left) has wrinkly ass leaves, and all three have wrinkly new growth. Probably a humidity issue.

I also plan on getting an oscillating fan and a third fan in there for a proper ventilation setup despite it being a 2x2… Haven’t needed to use the budget humidifier I had setup as it seems the pots themselves create enough humidity in there. I’ve got a bit of condensation on the lower half of the inside of the tent which I’ve been trying to wipe regularly before I get another fan in there.

Any tips or advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.!

Edit: added pic of 3rd plant


Your setup is good and your plants look very healthy, nice job.


Since it’s just 2x2 tent, I’d suggest you flip them to 12/12 light cycle pretty quick. Depending on genetics, they might only stretch a little, but they also might jump up 24 inches. They will be cramped in that tent.

How much headroom do you have for them to stretch?


I ran lotus with hydroponics and loved it. Very easy to use and I got great results. If I recall correctly I never got over 70% of recommended dosage for some huge plants.
You’re off to a great start. Sending good grow vibes your way!


From the top of the tallest plant [#1] & leaving room for my grow light, I’ve got just over 35 inches. My tent is a 2x2x55".
Edit: wrong plant #


Thank you very much!

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Wow, I’d love to see pics if you’ve got em!

Thank you so much!


Now after looking/comparing diagrams, I feel #3’s newer growth leaves are showing signs of the beginnings of a Magnesium deficiency. Any thoughts?

I don’t want to feed again, I’m hoping to push a good dryback before I feed again [should I feed every time if I’m just running promix?]

What if I did a foliar spray mix of the cal/mag and turned down the lights [So the solution wouldn’t “cook” onto the leaves I guess?] would that even work??

edit: So many questions… LMAO theres so much to learn!!

You are off to a great start!

:green_heart: :seedling:


They look pretty good for a first run, good job!

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Off to a good start man! I also started with the ts1000 it will do the trick for sure! After a few years mine Got down graded to just a veg light but still works like a charm. I also started with random bag seeds for the same reasons you have. Let me tell you I don’t regret it. 4 years later I still mess things up so it’s good to get that out of the way with the free seeds. Just watch out. You can grow a plant until harvest and I can turn out to be a cbd strain that won’t get you high at all. So I recommend you always grow 3 or 4 plants if you have the space incase this happens to you. Good luck!


Hey, so not sure if the TS-1000 model is still the same after a few years, but I’ve currently had the light just between 50% and 75% for veg. I started with 25% when they were seedlings and slowly over the month I’ve been turning it up. Should I keep increasing it until 75% and higher once I flip?
Edit: forgot to add the last word lol

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Thank you!!!

Thank you!!

I have my light at 40% currently. When I tried last grow I had it up around 85% and I struggled with vpd the entire grow. I’m not saying your experience will be the same, it’s just something to keep in mind. And once they get to flower I will be increasing that percentage.

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I’ve been trying to familiarize myself with wtf VPD is and the chart, my friend told me to get inside the green bit on the chart and I’ve basically been trying to follow that, Lol


That’s pretty much it.

Vpd effect respiration of your plant. To hot and low humidity and they’ll suck water and nutes as fast as they can. This can cause nute burn and dry brittle plants. Too low a temp and high humidity and the won’t be able to get rid of enough moisture to keep using the water in the soil.this can lead to nute deficiency and many other issues.


These were run with lotus.


Welcome! I’m excited to learn along with you :purple_heart: looking groovy. Best of luck


I had some plants at 16" when I flipped the lights. They hadn’t grown pistils yet, but I had other plants that had hit 22" and my goal was to stay at 45" or less. Anyhow, the 16" plants really took off when the lights flipped and doubled in size in about 3 weeks. They were also very slow to grow pistils and, once they did, they stopped stretching so hard. Other plants in the tent had already developed pistils and they did not stretch as much as the unsexed plants and instead spent their energy growing flower.

That is all first hand knowledge - what follows is not. I was told by a more experienced grower that he preferred to flip the lights once all of the plants had revealed their genders. He felt like he got fewer hermies when he did this.

That’s my info dump, use it as you will :slight_smile: