Dry Down/Back strategies

Seriously though, I once tried to reuse soil from one such grow and it was a funny joke trying to dislodge it from the one totally solid rootball.


Lol! Shake out like a cup of soil and call it a day.


I jumped up and down on it to try and smash it and nothing came out :joy:


I donā€™t know Iā€™d want to try it in soil, but when growing hydroponically the pot is really only there to keep the damn plant upright. As @Foreigner said, it just becomes a game of can you keep up with the irrigation needs?

Hereā€™s a BogBubble grown in a 4ā€ rockwool cube. Itā€™s impossible to steer with irrigation cues, but you can still grow nice plants. I think this was about 6 ozs


You could argue that even though I use peat itā€™s like a hybrid hydro system because the medium is pretty much inert and they only get what I give them.


For the indoor i just run 8 inch pots :wink:


Lots of ways to do it. Really what I want is to water every 3 days. Not for the plants, but because it suits my laziness. It doesnā€™t always work out that way but in a perfect world thatā€™s what I want.


Iā€™ve never grown soil actually lol.


Hydro is nice once it gets rolling. Check the ph like every three days.


Pretty fruckin cool man! Nice compact nuggs.


Thatā€™s the nice thing about the buffer in my mix. With the pH of my tap water I donā€™t have to worry about it.

So many variables and just find ones that work for you. My system might not work for everybody.


This is true.

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I hear that been growing since like 2006, and took a bit of a break. Got back onboard with this new system and almost murdered my first run until i got it dialed in lol!

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Yeah man find what works and roll with it. Iā€™ve used bigger pots than I mention and they worked too and I only needed to water once a week but I also like to fiddle with my plants so every 3 days just suits me.

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Omg lmao! So regarding dry down, have a recent grow and my pump died. I realized it did soon enough, and got it back up and running after a few missed waterings and the roots kinda went crazy in the flood table, and are sticking out of the bottom now.


In organic soil and organic bottle nutes?

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Bottles. Living soil would require much larger volumes. I imagine 3g wouldnā€™t even be enough without some supplementation.


Bottles as in synthetic nutes? I see giant plants in 1gal pots and it seems the people are always running salt based instead of organic based nutrients.

If im running organic soil and bottles you think 30 days in a 1 gal pot would be no good?
Im not using living soil its 35% coco with peat and amendments added but only has enough to support the plant for 1-2 weeks before a nutrient plan needs to be implemented

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They are organic.

I think if you were properly motivated you could do the whole life cycle in 1g pots. I often do when Iā€™m keeping my plants small.


@zezozose so, letā€™s say you have two clones, one kept optimally healthy while the other received ā€œprecision stressā€

My opinion, the precision stressed one will likely exhibit more aroma, may be visually more frosty and marginally more potent when smoked.