Dry sift for less than a fiver

What is the best thing for shaking it on, in order to collect without some of it sticking to it, or scraping up little fibers of paper/cardboard/other scrap? ( i bought a big roll of cardboard from the hardware store to grate lots of frozen waterlogged bubble, and I noticed fibers getting scraped up with it after it dried. It was thin, and other cardboard like boxes worked better for me.) I have seen some guys use tarpolenes here, and I see one guy in this thread using newspaper.
Nice work, looks like great smoke!
“dry sift is in a different league to hash imo” You like the dry sift better than the bubble? What is better about it? I am a newbie to bulk dry sifting, and I’ve only been making bubble.


Hey buddy, Imo a couple of square meters of panda plastic/black n white would be difficult to beat for shaking on to and scraping off with a card.
I think any plastic would be fine but thicker stuff is easy to scrape clean.

Working on a hard floor I found a towel under the plastic helped, without the towel any cracks, gaps or bits of grit obstructed/jammed the card preventing a smooth wipe with the card

What’s better about dry sift… Flavor, flavor and flavor lol
it’s at least as good as the bud you’re sifting and maybe better.

I made hash so that I wasn’t throwing out resin coated leafs, with dry sift I’m making it because it’s great to smoke.


Try parchment paper.


Construction garbage bag the heavy thick ones might work too you just saved me dude thanks for the idea


Hey buddy, I’ve read about people using a card to move it around the screen, I’m far from an expert but personally i wouldn’t use anything to move it around other than shaking.

Once you get started you’ll find that the best of it comes out pretty quickly and easily there’s not much need for any intervention.

I ended up ordering a sifter but for a 2nd run i’d intended to put the lid on the bucket and shake it again maybe putting a something in the bucket to help with dislodging trichs then sieve it again afterwards. .


Little silicone balls ? D&D pyramid dice ?


Perfect :heart_eyes:
Yeah they’d be ideal.


Kind of like a church bingo machine with the balls moving around like little agitator’s


Another idea sweet


Something kind of like this


I just use the card to collect off the newspaper not to actually sift with.

Favourite…I don’t know. I really like bubble too and find it presses better into dark black gooey hash but I like them both. Bubble is a lot of work though.


How much you wanna bet back in the day most dealers did a light “shake” or “tumble” before selling us the bud. They got 400 an ounce plus all the best headstash dry-sift from it :laughing:


This might interest some of you getting into sifting, I’ve not read it thoroughly but it’s from experienced dry sift people.


Which are words of wisdom for me. I do tend to overthink things, making them more difficult than they need to be.


Yup, that’s me also.


I just wanna let you know you inspired me… I went to Walmart today bought me a sterlite container ironically I already had some 150 micron mesh from when I experimented with screen printing and built me a $4 trim bin :joy: that’s a hell of an improvement from the $50 one I wanted to buy


Looks like shit tho but I’m sure it’ll work like a charm


My college roommate had an XJ Grand Cherokee he rebuilt like that with a 4.0L and all aftermarket drivetrain, along with Bilsteins on all four corners. He had a master kill switch for all the exterior and interior lights and signals so that we could drive around construction sites at night and smoke halfway up the back of a gravel pile. Looked like a total piece of shit mismatched colors half primer junkyard dog until he started it up!


Indeed it is. It’s the “impurities” that give every strain’s hash its distinct character. Dry sift and hand-rubbed charas are my favorites, as those methods preserve cannabinoids and terpenes.
Don’t get me wrong, the new extracts are really awesome, but I’m an old-timer at heart. I like my smokage to be rustic and earthy.


Hey folks, I’ve got through all of my trim/leaf, a gelato I have produces a lot of resin on the main leafs it was responsible for over half… Hmm thinking about the two biggest lumps came from main leaf, is that unusual?

All in I got 64.1g of dry sift, idk what i started with but the 3 still in bags came from 145g of proper resin coated trim + sugar leafs that’s around 27g in the bag after it’s pressed I’ll get a more accurate figure.

Everything that went in the pollen tumbler was kept then at the end i put everything into ice water and shaken for a good 10 minutes.

It’s still drying but it’s relatively small pile 4g wet weight it tells me that the tumbler is working fairly efficiently.

Eta…For making hash again i try to keep it simple,
i put the trim and ice water into a bucket, put the lid on and shake it or agitate it with a drill and mixing paddle.

After it’s shaken i filter it through a 190 micron bag into another bucket, I’d normally use a set of bags clipped together with carabiners but on this occasion it wasn’t required.

After it settles I siphon the bulk water of then filter it with a 25 micron bag, a coffee filter would work just fine if you don’t have bags.