Drying cannabis by weight loss

I cut my whole plants down and have been drying for 6 days in 60F/60RH environment. I kept the RH that high because I’ve been out of town.

I’m back now, have lowered the RH to 45-50 and am watching daily.

Which leads to a stupid question:

If I chopped a plant, weighed it (let’s say the whole thing weighs 877 grams wet), and then put it in ideal drying conditions. . .

. . .could I reliably pull that plant out of the drying tent when that same plant is around only 260 grams? That’s about 1/3 of it’s original weight, which should tell me broadly that I’m getting close to done?

I know that I have to account for the weight of the useless branches, AND this does not take into consideration the health/condition of specific buds and problem areas.

But would this generally be an accurate way of assessing that point of moving from the dry to the cure?