My attempt to dry like a Cannatrol

I had previously dried under the stairwell downstairs, but the smell was just too much. I recently converted a 2x4 tent into a dry tent and several crops later I really miss under the stairs lol Tasted terrible no matter the strain.

My current attempt I tried to mimic the environment the Cannatrol uses by default as listed in the user manual (68F dewpoint 54 for 4 days and 68F 52 dewpoint for 4 days).

Today is day 8 and the branches don’t snap at all, but I tried some larfy buds and it’s straight fire! The best smoke I’ve grown and it’s only been 8 days! I’m in disbelief honestly. Ya know that super tasty stuff that leaves you with a wonderful after taste?! It’s like that - already.


  • 2 x 4 tent
  • AC Infinity Controller 69
  • AC Infinity humidifier
  • AC Infinity 4" inline fan with 4" carbon filter
  • AC Infinity 4" Raxial inline fan
  • 4" duct hose
  • 6" desk fan (lowest setting face-down on floor in middle of tent)
  • Foam Cooler
  • Foam-core poster board

Controller Settings
Inline fan/filter set to run at 3 if temp is above 68F and turn off below 68F.

Humdifier is set to ‘VPD Auto’ and to turn on at 0.9kPa and has a .1kPa buffer. After 4 days I set it to 1.0kPa for half the day and back to .9kPa the other half.

It’s getting hot in here :notes:
Temperature was my biggest hurdle. To fix this I used a foam cooler with a crock pot bag inside, and filled it with ice. I cut a hole in some foam core poster board and ran my intake hose a few inches through the board. When set on top it just made a suction and stopped all air flow. I put a binder clip on one side and that solved that problem. This would usually drop the temp about 3-4F down.

On warmer days the house air conditioner was able to keep it in range so I just used the ice box in the evening and mornings.

Get to the numbas

^^ This is a line graph from the last 7 days. The averages are as follows:
Temp: 67.1F
Humidity: 62.5%
VPD: 0.85kPa



Does the ice raise humidity ?

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It doesn’t seem to. When the humidifier isnt running, the humidity slowly goes down.

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What’s the difference ( without humidifier)

With ice
Without ice ?


I’ve never understood this drying theory. I do admit the smell is more prominent if you dry slow but I’ve not noticed any difference in effects. I’ve had weed that stinks to high heaven but not have that strong of an effect on me. I’ve also had smoke with barely any smell and it’s knocked me on my ass. I understand the first thing anyone does when picking bud up is smell it but that doesn’t show how potent it is. Mental how the human brain works innit?? :thinking:


Good luck bro!


I’ve had the humidifier on the whole time so I can’t say for sure, but I can check the next time I fill with ice and report back.


We call that good effect no smell bud the sleeper bud .
Example : ‘’ YO that Og Runtz Banana is SLEEPER son, it didnt smell like bananas but im fried to the moon. ‘’



A cure makes stuff taste so much better. I’m not growing this shit prominently for the taste. I wanna get high first. Then I’ll explain the taste. In extreme detail. Mumbling on. Arguing at the responses. Disagreeing on what’s being said. Figuring out who said the last thing I head. Or did I hear it?? :thinking:
We all smoke to get f#cked up. No other reason.


I guess I forgot to mention that the smell is super loud. Doesn’t seem to have the muted only-when-you-grind-it thing the trol does.


Speaking of curing, I got my red velvet cake chilling in a sealed amber jar, anyone else cure in amber jars? I feel like everything i’ve put in it ended up smelling a hair better than the clear jars :stuck_out_tongue: ( small testings )


I cure in clear mason jars kept in the dark!
…does that count?


Yes !!! , Of course :stuck_out_tongue: Im gonna do that for the drunken cherry fogdog soon !


Is it possible you can take pics of the entire setup? And why do you think drying in the tent made your bud taste bad? I did this experiment my last dry and feel the buds lost flavor somehow.


I think this is a great experiment ! These are great to keep your mind entertained. However, I honestly think a lot of the thinking about drying and cure is all marketing hype. I have said it before and I will say it again. I have literally seen hundreds of full sized plants hanging in an old barn. Many times. We moved a lot of weight and no one ever brought it back. Ripeness is your number one concern. Everything else is secondary. It may taste like shit but if it will put your dick in the dirt, no one will care. :rofl:


The rest is just a boring old tent with a few fans lol I think my problem before was too much heat - like all the terps evaporated.

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I like using the amber jars I just haven’t found them in bulk yet and the ones I found on amazon weren’t super cheap

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Are you hanging the whole plant or bucking it down to dry? Also do you wet or dry trim? I’ve found in my world, both of these things influence your end product way, way more than temps getting up to high 70s low 80s. I assume you’re somewhere pretty dry?


What differences did you fund with both methods DST? Was one better than the other? In what ways.
inquiring minds wanna know :wink:

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Since you asked…let me talk my shit about cannatrol haha

For me, personally, whole plant drying and dry trimming are my preferences. I think whole plant drying beats the ass of stuff that’s been bucked down. Again this is all just my experience. I’ve never really had anything that’s been wet trimmed come close to smelling as good as long. Both those things(bucking, wet trimming) speed up the rate of dry. My opinion is a lot of facilities wet trim and buck things down to reduce chances of mold and it also allows them to maintain a higher humidity than many home growers… 62% compared to 55% or so. It may still take 7-10 for the bucked down stuff, but my guess is the waters being drawn out faster but they’re trying to maintain that 58-62% rh inside the bud. So it results in that ‘perfectly’ dry but dusty, crumbly feel that doesn’t retain terps over long term. My beef with cannatrol is that it’s a $1600 unit that doesn’t really allow you to hang your whole plant. Maybe they do…I haven’t inspected every aspect of canna-trolls, but I’d find it so much more valuable if they put a little hook on the top to hang a whole plant. I prefer dry trimming because I think it keeps the trichomes in much better shape, meaning more of the goodies inside the trichomes make it inside your body. It also vastly increases overall surface area which promotes a way more even dry and less of the dusties. I didn’t proofread any of this so if there are mistakes I do apologize, but there’s my two cents