Drying Properly

I wet trim mine take all the fan leaves off and some
Other leaves look like this by the time they go into the bag

Then I just trim them as a smoke them :rofl:,not like it’s the high times cup


I was going to get a set of those black mesh ones right the cylindrical ones that hang?what’s the difference in drying time on those compared to just a dark hang in the tent air on and fans going?Or are they the same?

This is how you turn premature nugs into rocks.



Nice thank you Peg :slight_smile:

Looks like a big ass tent

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What is that ,I was thinking butt plug and I seen your name was peg and my sick mind started thinking the worst

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Hang in a cool dark room till stems snap. 55-65%rh temp: 60-70f

Ideally you’ve got a space you can maintain 60rh 60f but that’s difficult if you’re a home grower so I just keep my tents room as cool as I can without it stressing my plants and as warm as I can without killing my terps.


use to use paper bags 10 years ago (+) – it does work !!


agree nice set up !!

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I’ve got a 2x4 set up specifically for drying; It has a humidifier and a dehumidifier set up inside that are connected to an inkbird controller set at 58% humidity. It swings anywhere from 62% to 54% but averages 58%. The room the tent is in also has a 5x5 tent for veg, and it gets down to 18c when those lights are out and 22-23c lights on.
I hang dry the whole plants plants for 5-7 days and then buck them down into smaller chunks still on the stem and put those into big brown paper bags until desired crispiness then a final trim and into mason jars for a cure.


sounds like you have a great “system” for drying instead of bags I use large plactic tubs - easier for me - used bags many years ago , yea ! they do work !!! thanks for your information

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