Drying weed - is darkness important?

@ herirage farms… I’ve read of this. To put it simply, the plants “farm” the microbes in the soil that they need to provide whatever nutrient they need at the time by manipulating the environment in the soil surrounding the roots, thus benefiting the microbes that supply that nutrient. Fascinating.I’m talking of this ( below)

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One of many amazing things plants do to communicate with the world around them.


It sure does. The hairs on the leaves and stalk repel bugs. Acrid smells deter animals ( aside from us of course lol)and some bugs. But when the first line of defense fails the plant, root reserves are what rebuild it.

Definately do that. Take a whole plant … Where I am I have to wait for the dew to evaporate off in the morning or the moisture can stay on the buds too long. But before sun up would be my choice. Outdoors weather dictates.

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Just to make sure… I m talking about indoor plants. There s no dew in the morning.-

Sunrise is, when the lights go back on :wink:

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I certainly will try this method :slight_smile:

Curious how the product will taste after drying :slight_smile:

But first I have to muster all my patience till the buds are ready to harvest. Maybe another couple of days… The **END ** is near :joy:

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They are soaking wet :grin: that is when you taken them out of the jar… You get rid of the excessive water by straining and then just shake off. Place on a baking tray or a mesh screen with some parchment paper and let dry in well ventilated place. You could always place this inside a tote box filled with silica for cats.

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Before you start the water curing, give the buds and your hands a good wash .Just try and manipulate this as little as possible during the process to avoid unwanted fermentation and rotten budds / stinky water :nauseated_face::pleading_face::sob:,:poop:


I figured. Just letting you know my timing would normally be three hrs after " lights on" so to speak. Good luck.

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Ha ha! No, I mean when they go in the jar. The plants are dried normally first? They aren’t put in fresh are they?


Yes, I water cure freshly cut buds. Put in a jar in a cool dry place like a cupboard. Then strain daily and replace with fresh water, RO or distilled works best. I continue this until the water remains clear.

Then I dry it and decarb it in an oven and extract the THC with ethanol. I use this in eddibles to eliminate the “green” taste.


No need to decarb if you gonna smoke it ?


It gets decarbed while you’re burning it


I have heard of it being done both dry and fresh stuff.

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When I smoked the water cured bud, it tasted like burning hair to me. Won’t do that again.


Can’t see anyone wanting to ruin fine herb like that.


This sounds like something you would only want to do for extractions. My hash oil would not be so dark this way. Burnt hair. I have smoked that before. Mostly lab. Not too tasty! @ curious cat have you had a different experience smoking it than reikox has had?

Nope, I can’t say it did. I really can’t complain. Never got that smell. Maybe I didn’t let it cure to the point it got “bleached” because the smell was not as strong but the smoke was tasty but smoother than it did before curing.


Would you say the outcome is similar to traditional curing, but quicker?

Personally I prefer a non polar solvent for extraction, something like anyalytical or lab grade hexane, though tbh I have done a lot of extraction with good quality naptha (always do a residue test!) . Non polar solvents won’t pull the chlorophyll out like polar solvents and seem to extract the terps better. I have also extracted quite well using clean butane, you can keep it in it’s liquid phase by cooling it below it’s vapor point of about -2 ? or so say in a cooler with some dry ice etc… then it’s much easier to handle and safer than the can of gas down a tube method… You just treat it as you would ethanol…
If you want to be sure you get maximum yield, the best way I have found is with a soxhlet extractor and hexane, though warmer solvents will tend to pull out more chlorophyll.
If you do want to use a polar solvent, iso is a good candidate for a couple of reasons, one is solubility of chlorophyll is slightly less that ethanol or methanol, and the other reason is that iso exhibits some cool properties when common salt is added… it behaves like a non polar solvent… you can therefore use a salt saturated brine to ‘wash’ the chlorophyll out… which is far easier than any other methods like saponification, bleaching with clay or using H2So4 and Phosphoric acid to render the chlorophyll non soluble in water etc…

And back to the original question… UV degrades the THC, so I am not sure if potency is the goal that sun drying is ideal but I personally have never worried too much about indirect light… light proof normally means air tight, or reduced air flow at least so this at least is always a bad thing and also some light helps me keep an eye out for any mold etc…

That said, if you have an extraction with a tint of green, leaving it in the solvent and putting in on the window sill will allow the light to degrade the chlorophyll which occurs much faster than the degradation of THC… so it’s a useful way to get that last bit of green out and end up with that honey colour.


In that particular case, yes.

The guys at greenhouse seeds say the best method is to put the weed in a cardboard box or paper bag near a heater or warmish place for 5 to 6 months.

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