Dungeons and Dab-rigs: Table Top RPG, Board Games, and more

Starting from scratch was always so much fun! When we made characters for high-level campaigns it was fun to make the character, but always a mixed bag to play.

Friends of mine worked the math so well they’d be 1 hit killers with most anything if they were able to utilize their stacked attack.

Base attack + bonus’ stacked on bonus’!


If y’all haven’t watched “Harmonquest” yet, y’all better get in on that yo!


It’s not a role playing game, but I picked up this board game called “Genotype” where you are a monk doing breeding experiments with pea plants. There are different cards with different dominant and recessive genes, and you make breeding decisions and roll the dice for randomization.

To me, it’s obviously a pot-breeding game. It has single person instructions, so I think I will try it out this weekend. Would be fun to play with other weed heads….


Yeah, use to be called Monty Hall characters back in the old fanzines. I was stingy with the xps and didn’t let the players get too powerful. Never made it past lv 8-10. The fun was in the struggle and making them think they had survived against all odds. I hardly ever killed off characters but I sure made them think it was all over sometimes.


I never had a D&D group, but I played a whole lot of Magic: The Gathering. I loved tournament and draft style play. I still have most of my cards, but haven’t played since the early 2000s up until World of Warcraft came out. But we don’t talk about WoW :rofl:


:rofl: my siblings play WoW.

I play MTG as well. I exclusively play commander now, but draft and constructed pulled many a Friday night from my wife and kids lol.


Once I got to play a lvl 20 game, generated at lvl 20! It was gonna be a massive war campaign and I decided to make a Druid (again).

Well I spent the majority of the time healing and doing druid stuff until the final battle where I hid an ran… everyone was pissed but I slipped a note to the DM and then rolled myself a joint and left the room to go smoke it.

I came back 10 min later and the dm asked me to make my rolls. I rolled 100x D10’s and got every dice to be above a 5 for whatever luckout!

Then he described what started happening as the earth shook and from a distance trees began to fall in the Forrest and then the screaming started amongst the enemy as a wall of living insects seemingly going on for a mile carpeted the battlefield killing anything it swarmed.

Yes I killed half my party, but they should have listened to me when I said: “Okay, those odds are fucked, here, hold my staff.”


That’s amazing!

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Harmon Quest! This show is excellent. The guests usually get really into it, too


This sounds like a board game I can get into. Games that require a small setup and can be played alone or with a small group are always my favorite. And the subject matter reminds me a bit of the PC game Weedcraft (in my steam library but I haven’t played it yet)


One of the dudes in my friend group earned himself the nickname “Min Max” because he always tried to figure out the most efficient way to play everything, to the point of ignoring most other elements of whatever game it is. He wins a LOT when that group plays Marvel Legends together :laughing:


the thing is that spell took 10minutes game-time to cast! It’s meant so that there’s a high chance the spell caster wont finish it or dare even try to start the spell because of how crazy shit can get at higher levels.

It’d like being able to cast “wall of moving fire” and it just scales on the higher you go where by lvl 20 you’re basically Pele taking out the surface life and building up new islands. :sweat_smile:


how did I miss this thread!!!

I really miss the weekend D&D sessions at the MSU Student hall…even once I was well out of college!

I was the '‘Art Nerd’ who built stuff and painted everyone’s figures…


Heroscape was an absolutely amazing turnbased Cheaper alternative to warhammer back in the day.Sets went for 245$ and up back then which was crazy back in those days.I always picked Sarge and his paratroopers my buddy picked the Krav agents and my ither buddy aaron always picked that mech robot and kicked our asses.The Prices of some of the sets now is completely bonkers fucked to the walls and makes me wish i could find my junkie roomate who stole two totes full of my two sets and bounced at the time.Fucker even got my Lead Soldiers i had a ton of WW2 Brits and i had 4 250$ Cannoneers along with my Axis and Allies. i miss that game


Hahaha. I know that grind! The guy I apprenticed under had a good side hustle going for a while doing just that. minis have gotten so much more detailed lately, too!

Glad you found it! Got any of those painted minis still kicking around?

I’m known for trying my best to break games. Hahaha. Not a big Munchkin or story breaking kinda way. Just figuring the deep mechanics, and working those gears til the teeth grind off. Hahaha

YEEEEAH! :metal: exactly what I mean when I say those memories are real. You did that crazy sh!t, and your brain knows that, even if your body doesn’t.

Awesome chunk of history, there @Budderton . I’m sure many great adventures were had discovering the world you built.

Harmonquest I still need to get into a bit more, but another live play to check out if you all haven’t would be Dimension 20 on Dropout. They’ve run a bunch of campaigns now, with really clever premises, being a bunch of comedians and writers themselves. Loved Critical Role and caught the first two campaigns, plus first season of the animated series, but nothing much since things got tossed up with them building a new system and all.

Man! Glad this thread got some footing! Love hearing all these old stories and suggestions for new games to try.

That sounds ready made for the likes of OG’ers! Hahaha :laughing:

Stay up


making me feel old now. my first thought was that i have my original set of those from when i started but then looking up the covers i found that i have the first editions, not the second. third printing i think but got them in the early '80s. too bad i marked them all up and used the hell out of them or they’d be worth lots right now.

@DietPeps when wil wheaton started his board game show i saw a few that i’d like to play. it prompted me to go the local game store and peruse the aisles. i got one called micropolis. it’s about ants and building a good system of tunnels or something, haven’t played it in a while because the wife hates it. i think it’s fun as hell but it takes some getting used to


My buddy has this! Then again he has a board game collection consisting of a 15ft wall floor to ceiling with tabletop games!


The boys and I loved getting fucked up and having our weekly D&D night. My later high school years we got into Rifts if anyone recalls that one.



Nope…no figures anymore…been 35 years since then…I’m an old fart!

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