East coast Storm Pics

I am in Hammonds Plains just outside Halifax. We always seem to get more than the average, probably being higher up doesn’t help. When it’s blowing snow it pIles up quickly in the driveway as it’s like a bowl.


I remember that in MI all the cars were completely buried. When the show plows hit the end of our barns and hit the fields, they couldn’t go any further and set there for days


Crap like this?

Or this

This is snow that fell from the sky, not already shoveled. Just imagine how F King much this amount of snow sucks. :snowflake: If you like winter, then I guess it’s amazing lol


Those poor people.

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I’ve heard those old stories as well. my dad used to tell me when I was a we tyke, growing up on the farm, back in the '70s:
“Son, we had it so hard when I was a kid… that we used to have to walk up-hill, both ways, to and from school!”

apparently, things used to be really fucked-up with travel logistics years ago. u-huh!



Got to be 14 inches out there and drift at 24 inches

Dog is flipping out

She hates the snow and she disappeared in the driveway she’s only 10 inches tall lol :joy:
She was like f this sh$& and went back in the house I swear she said f this I’m peeing on the pad today


I used to have Corgis and it was hilarious to watch them hop through the snow. I used to do the “Corgi toss” and drop them in a snowbank and they’d come hopping back for more :laughing:

Guess I’ll contribute since I randomly took a pic while I was out.

And these happened in the snow so I might as well post them. It was so janky I took the pics in case there was a trial later :rofl:

Kind of hard to see what’s going on but there’s a ball coming off that hitch and that’s what’s resting on the tow truck boom :flushed: The whole truck was held up by the boom under the ball and chains run under the hitch. He made it to the shop though so all good.


Get that fixed
It’s the $$$ maker


It’s someone else’s money maker so not my problem :laughing: That right there is exactly why I will always do snow removal for someone else and never mount a plow on a vehicle I own. Hell that wasn’t even the truck I started out in! The plow blew a hose on the first truck I was in…


Haha too funny