Easy, Reliable Method for BHO?

Not true. Drug store isopropyl alcohol is just water and iso in varying proportions. I’ve bought a lot over the years from dozens of different places. I use it for a lot of stuff.

Ethyl alcohol is denatured, which is what you’re getting it confused with, and it has to be for tax purposes. Sometimes generic rubbing alcohol is denatured ethanol, I suppose. Sometimes other perfumes and stuff are added to generic “rubbing alcohol” But not isopropyl alcohol.


I looked into it, seems that you are correct, thanks for pointing that out. I was confused between the law that requires poisonous additives to be added to ethanol rubbing alcohol, and the fact that you can buy non-diluted isopropyl direct from the supplier.

For concentrates I would still prefer to use food grade ethanol, which was the only solvent which was legal and considered safe for medical use in the old california medical system.


Better we kill drunks with poisonous booze than let them gasp skirt tax laws lol


Alcohol carries a lot of wax fats and chlorophyll, and gives less return than butane. Even with a QWET at -20º I personally don’t like it. Im waiting for my stainless steel bho extractor, I already have the vacuum pump, I need a vacuum lid for my pressure cooker. High tolerance to thc, there I go!


Any recommendations for either cheap decent closed loop system or diy closed loop?

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this is the kind of result I get with a good batch of simple “honey oil” food grade alcohol extract.


30 second rinse, everything ice cold?

Everclear always gave me my best snap and clearest, nicest tasting extracts.

I have recently started pressing rosin with a straightener and like more.


Yup that’s pretty much all there is to it. I really enjoy this method as well.

I freeze everything, and while I do the alcohol rinse, I wrap the jar up in a towel to keep it insulated. Keeps it cold a little longer. I simply filter it with organic unbleached coffee filters, old school style. It goes directly into a pyrex, and then it is evaporated with no heat by setting up a fan to blow air over the surface.

This works with dried bud, and freshly harvested frozen buds.


My exact method too!

Works really well with trim too


Yeah all my trim goes directly into the freezer for concentrates. way more efficient than drying trim.


Being In Michigan I can’t get the good everclear without ordering online. Been tempted to look into co2 extraction. Already have setup for open blast bho but would like to be able to reclaim some of the butane to rerun(if my understanding of closed loop extraction is correct) if I’m wrong please tell me and explain why. I’d rather learn here than hard way normally wouldn’t care but helping a friend and it’s more than I’m used to


If your close enough you can get the 190 proof in ohio

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I’m honestly considering it… just fuck it and buy an el cheapo press. I don’t trust anything on the internet except things recommended by my friends here on OG.

Looks like that press is unavailable.


They have them in my local headshop for $100. I have not tried it. Check eBay. Lots of selections.



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looks like a george foreman lean mean bud squishin rosin machine

honestly that’s super goofy that you have to physically lean on it.
you’d be way better off with the old hair straightener and c-clamp.

This would not be a good option for medical cannabis patients.


I trust eBay only a bit more than buying directly from China. Again, just go off recommendations, will check it out.

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so jaded :frowning: no Alibaba for you


Indeed! It looks like a Ronco Nug Hugger. I would have to go get my fat Sister in Law to lean on it every time I want a dab! :rofl::rofl:



haha that really cracked me up

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