Easy To Spot A Cannabis Plant Outdoors

I was thinking plant them next to a police station or some other ironic location.

nice. you know what, now that’s the kind of chaos i’d be down for.

i wonder what the feasibility of making like little weed bombs would be. you know, like the little wildflower clay bombs people peddle on etsy. you toss it in your yard or out in nature and it’s supposed to germinate and bloom into nice wildflowers that help support the local bee population.

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It’ll grow pretty much anywhere it gets plenty of sunlight and water. Another thing you could do is plant a bunch of patches and watch how (or even if) the cops react. You may even start a feral patch, where folks could hand rub some crude charas if they were Jonesing and couldn’t find anything.

certainly interesting thoughts for overgrowing the world here. i used to do a little bit of outdoor adventuring pre-covid. the thought of there being some hidden outdoor pockets with wild growing mj is pretty cool.

I’ve never tried this but it looks lnteresting if it’s not legal where you live…


Small privacy fence around your new patio, can now garden naked. I would worry more about smell, nosey neighbours have binoculars. Keep them from direct sight. Look for an actual roadkill skunk and dump it on the road at your neighbours with 3 weeks to finish, should solve the odor issue.

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This is a great plant. I didnt even know it existed.