Educated opinions on a cross

Got some landrace sativa clones going, from the how now brown cow compressed Mexican brick of nothing to brag about quality. And some pollen saved from lemon kush male of great quality, and strong terpenes , smelling hard of fresh cut lemons even the males. The lemon kush pollen can only help the sativa of lowish THC content in a cross right? Worth fucking with or no¿? Got ripped off for a few hundred bucks seed order and got nothing else going on sadly. Opinions and thoughts welcomed please. If you have no idea what you are talking about. Please refrain from comments… Bout to smoke the hugest roach I just spotted under the recliner!!! Friggin JACKPOT MAN!!! lol. Awesome. Love you guys! Keep growing. Keep learning. Keep teaching. And KEEP SMOKING¡!!!


Well even if you just grew out the Mexican, it will likely be better quality than what came out of the bag. My suggestion would be to grow those out and hang around here for a while. There are often seed giveaways here, get in on one of those.


That’s right… someone thought it was a good idea to grow out the plant that was your brick.

Maybe just for yield. All good right?


@ReikoX… Yeah you are right man. Just anxious to use that lemon pollen. The lemon smell from the buds cured of that shit over powered the weed smell. And when you smoked it you taste a mouth full of lemonade on exhale. Never have I experienced such a clean powerful terpene profile in thirty years of smoking great weed. Be ashamed not to use it to make seeds with a female of high quality genetics… Although who knows what you would get if mixed with the sativa that is open field pollenation stabilized for who knows how many generations and was probably chosen in the beginning by the drug Lords in old Mexico for high yeild! Hmmmmmmmm… I’m too stoned again. Sorry. Shit. I’ll just brush one budsite… See what happens.

@StevieG just grew out a handful of seeds, granted from all good bud, but on his first grow he got a decent yield of real decent buds.

Forget all the hype strains, and give it a try. Decent buds are better than no buds


@StevieG… Hell yeah. Now that… That is the ticket. Rather have some swag to smoke than nothing but pipe dreams any day. A day with weed is a good day indeed.


Yea, I really didn’t mine havin bag seeds, to see the diffrent buds growing at once is great!!! an to always have a mystery plant that u can’t look up online to compare to lol. But it’s always good to have some seeds that ya the strain

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Ya my brightness on my phone went out cause my low battery an I’m stoned hope I was on topic😂
Peace & love to all smokin🤝

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Ilove this og forum. Great people on here.


I’d pollenate a few of the lower buds with a goal of 20 - 30 seeds and then grow 5 - 10 of those seeds out to see what you get.

Or if you are in the states PM me and I 'll share one of the 2 Feminized Zamaldelica seeds I have.


meixans are great man… Each region/State in mexico has slightly differnt sativas, Simialir to how African sativas vary from region to region… …Before dutch genes hit my area, all we had were sativas beans from bricks and sacks: mexicans, central americans, columbians… later it vietnamese and then it was afghans, which was huge step. adding indicas to the local sativas produced some amazing results. then i got nevils genes and it was game-on from that point. I love mexicans, and I still have mexi plants, crosses and mexi genes in my library to this day.

idk how the Mexican pools are are today, i know shit changed like crazy after NL, WW and Sk were introduced into mexico and thier pools in the mid-90’s. Mexi bag used to somewhat variable, but it was always easy to find a standout. The meixcans i used always made kick-ass hybrids when outcrossed to indicas. I still run and still have many of my meixcan crosses… my fav is still my (NL#1/Mex)…
Have u grown the mexi clones? and have u grown the lemon kush?
By crossiing a pure mex with anything, you’ll get nice hybrids… just outcrossing any IBL pool, with something un-related will get some hybrid vigour… but how much vigor and how well they perform, will depend on yur Lemon Kush. IDK about the genetic integrity of modern day American polys…

Im sure the f1 wil be nice, and if u want to see what the integrity of the cross is, simply go to F2… that gen will show you eveyrthing u want to know about yur cross… 30-60 seedlings in f2 will show u enough…
My advice is like @ray said, pollenate that shit man! dust some lower buds, (so u will have the tops as sinse to smoke) and plant yurself as many beans as u can (depending on how big yur sativa clones are, just a few lower buds can give u hundreds of seeds man)… grow them out, clone them, flower the clones, and keep the standout mother. obviously the more u beans u plant, the more choices u will have… but it is for sure a cross worth doing and investigating and playing with…


And as time goes by you are only gonna like it more!


@deep_rob… See… now that’s the kind of legit reply you get on this og spot man. That is absolutely what I’m gonna do. Shit I got enough lemon pollen for a shit load of crosses anyway. The fun lies in the journey AND the destination for me when it comes to all forms of botany, and horticulture, especially my beloved cannabis.


Dooooooooo iiiiiiiiittttttt. :sunglasses: :sunflower:

:evergreen_tree: <— speaks for the tree