Hola amigos!!
Recently I recommended a technique for starting seeds using gravity and vertically orientated paper towels to achieve a completely straight tap root from a seedling. Depending on your medium and grow style sometimes you need a straight tap root. This thread would be better if I was already done germinating but I don’t have any pictures so I will have to do it over the next 7 days. I will update as I go along.*
When I germinate a seed I don’t want guesswork. I like to manually be involved in each process to be able to determine what it happening and at what rate. Here is how I germinate seeds;
step1. get really stoned
step 2. I presoak my seeds in water for 12-24 hours. get stoned
step 3. I place all split seeds in a horizontal positon on the top of a wet paper towel that goes into a ziplock. get stoned
step 4. * you must place the ziplock in a vertical positon in a warm area. * get stoned
step 5. get stoned because we are waiting for the tap roots to grow.
step 6. prepare your medium and containers, all you will need is a pencil to place a long deep hole in the center of your cup/ pot. get stoned, place the seedling deep, just leave the leafs above ground. get a drink
When I do it this way, I can see what is going on. I don’t like to place seeds in medium and cross my fingers. I also usually start seeds in a Styrofoam cup no larger than 1 liter. I will make a separate thread one day on my method of using Styrofoam for stressless transplants.
Now, for those who don’t know, lets learn about whats going on here.
there are two forces at play, they are called Tropisms. (responses to external stimuli)
Phototropism is the growth response to LIGHT
GRAVITROPISM is the growth response to GRAVITY.
I’m not sure how in depth to go so I will leave it with that, but I if anyone wants we can talk about the role the auxins play with root direction.
-someone help,I don’t know why the boxed letters came up on the post