Emerald cup harvest ball dec 2022

So who will be attending the emerald cup harvest ball this December at the Sonoma county fairgrounds ?
I haven’t gone sense 2016 so I got a ticket and will be attending the shindig.


Ooh in Sonoma…sound like it will be nice. Can you get tickets at the door or do you have to pre-order?


It’s best to pre order they normally sell out pretty fast , I went before California went recreational and there was already people offering 3x the ticket price to people in line.
In reality it’s a lot of overpriced booths trying to cash in on the crowd but it’s a good place to see new equipment , awesome glass, and you can typically find some cuts or packs of seeds that only get released there. I’m actually going myself to show somebody some herb I’m hoping they have some insight into and am trying to promise myself not to buy more seeds lol
I still have archive packs and some old heirlooms I got six years ago sitting in the fridge smh


I was planning on skipping. Went a few years ago and it was pretty lame, overly commercial and heartless. Ended up chilling in the dragonfly tent and was happy around that heady crowd

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I’m just going to smoke some herb with somebody from the east coast I’d like to meet , maybe grab a pack from csi or crickets and cicada if they happen to be there , I have enough beans it would have to be something super special to get my attention.
I missed the sr71 purple kush though last year or the year before so am curious to see what’s around this year.


If you see HeavyDayze please tell him to stop referring to us in the past tense :sweat_smile: fakka just interviewed Gypsy Nirvana for xxxx’s sake! 🤦 :rofl:



Ill be there for sure just kicking back and checking out stuff.
Good place to hang out smoke a few and shoot the shit with folks.
If you see me say wassup and ill share some beans with you.
Cheers :beers:


Exactly why I’m going and to hopefully have something confirmed as what it is supposed to be.
Also open to meeting smoking and trading beans with anybody from here who happens to be going.


That sounds like a great time. HMMMMMMMM, Michigan or California in December.


I bought my regular pass. I just booked my airBnB about a mile away. I am intending to walk to and from, or maybe at least walk to and get an uber back.

I am pretty excited, as I have never been to anything like this. Would love to hear any ‘do’s and don’ts’ for such a thing. Sounds like I need to stash some cash for to buy some ‘nice’ things? How ‘clicky’ is the crowd?

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It’s a huge turn out , I felt like I was in a beehive and that was years ago , not in a bad way but a lot of people show up, you want to get in line early , and there is a lot of excitement in the air and people frantically trying to get what they want before it sells out, might not be as crazy now with so much available online but it’s a rather impressive showing.
One thing about Sonoma county is cigarettes are banned in public outdoors , so if you smoke you got to hide it like you did weed in the old days , ironic sense everybody is blowing clouds of pot smoke in all directions.

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Nice. Do I need to bring my own backpack, or is one included with the pass (as is the case in many other ‘professional’ conferences)? Are there talks, or is it all booths? How much of the crowd were tokers say before 1995? What should someone who wants to talk science of breeding look for to connect with like minded?

I don’t use cigs, and have to limit what goes into the lungs, so maybe I am a light weight.

Anything else to be aware of?


There are normaly some talks, music , and educational and demonstrational booths along with tons of product vendors. They have a website and should be releasing the schedule and more information soon :grin:

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Less then a week away and I’m planning on being in line a hour early, purple city genetics is releasing a couple older cuts I want to get before they sell out.
I’m hoping to stay and hang out for awhile but still not sure yet waiting to see if I can figure out a dog sitter.

Is anybody still going to this besides me , I’ll be in line at 11 and leaving by 3 but would love to smoke out any fellow of who may be there :grin:

So how did it go?


It rained a lot , my ticket said go to main entrance and when I got there they made me go get in line at will call to pick up my ticket ,then back to the mainline all over again , this happend to several people because it said this is your ticket proceed to main entrance and they had no explanation beyond that, one guy was screaming about it and was taken out by security. nobody from here contacted me saying they were going so i didn’t stay long. I grabbed some clones said hello to a few people, got some puckbc3 beans and headed home.
I was hoping they would have rosin presses to see in action but there were non. It used to be common to have industry folk there showing of there gadgets but I guess times have changed.
It was mostly all booths selling extracts or flower , pretty much felt like walking into a giant cannabis club that you could smoke in with live music, it used to be more of a trade show harvest party. They split the award ceremony and harvest ball into two things and part of it now takes place in Southern California now.
I haven’t been sense 2017 and don’t see myself attending again unless they change up what they are presenting.


Sounds about right…only a matter of time before it’s a socal event and just another glorified dispensary event.

also, which clones did you get @Heritagefarms ?

Aj sour diesal , super lemon haze and Zev.