Emeraldgreen first thread (Part 1)

  1. Sorry bout your puppy man. I love Dallys. Owned one named Daisy Dew Drop. I miss her to this day.

  2. super interesting grow you got going there - will definitely tag along.

  3. Congratulations on the mentorship! You’ll do great!

  4. Happy New Year!


Will do sir !:smiley:


Thank you!
They are amazing dogs! Definitely not couch potato dogs! Ours love cuddling and definitely have an opinion :joy:
Happy New Year Also




The first round of treatment for the seedlings!


You inspire me to do naughty things :rofl::rofl:


Emeraldgreen is breaking out the big guns, very nice. Should be a nice harvest


My buddy’s house. They got 3 treatments @2 milliliter per 4 oz. @BudBusterPro


I am hiding in the corner over here, really I am just still catching up. :shushing_face:
And I am outts like for the day. :pensive:

The answer to hollow stalks is gypsum/calcium.
Don’t forget the increase the boron slightly too.
Very few know or at least fail to mention the fact that Calcium and boron work synergistically together.
If you look into things you will see how important this can be to growing the best plants you can.
This will also help you with pest resistance too.
Optimum heath equals the best pest resistance.

For a professional viewpoint on this topic follow slownickle on insta.
After listening to him, you will be putting gypsum on your breakfast cereal…LOL


Looking like I might have to sign up to ig I’ve been avoiding it :joy:
I always suspect lurking, but it’s awesome when you say hi!
I’m also lurking your threads. I hate reading when I can’t spread the :heart:


You will like BBP! They will do some fast uptake. So be ready. I mean they will drink it up. I’m not saying to over feed. I’m letting you know they will be hungry. Nice grow. Leave fans on. I love it. It makes fat buds. I’m happy to see you use it. Bob is a great guy.


I already do! My friends house usually makes me cry. I’m blown away by the growth this time. I’ll probably go a final treatment for the fourth week and stop. It can only help is how I feel. I’ll be there in a day or two to undercut and bend everything.


I started following him on ICrag 10 years ago.
Surprisingly I still learn or clarify known facts ect. from him to this day.
He is a real world results kinda guy.
I think you will like him. :star_struck:
But he can be a little mysterious, I think he tries to get you into his class.
He still gives out all the important info for free.

Boron for whatever reason is a dirty word round here. :dizzy_face:
I really should not say this in public…LOL
I have not tested this yet as to how much is best, but when we really push calcium, we should in theory be able to use insane amounts of Boron too.
In fact you may even find out insane amounts of boron may be needed.
Now you probably should not up your boron until you get the calcium right.
But that would be the next logical step, I believe anyhow.


Look into that part when you chase old slownickle round inst.


4 to 6 times is enough for me. lol.
I can’t handle it.

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I got the cuts from a friend. They got put into flower and treated the first day. They didn’t even get the true process that is recommended!

@shag even in the ground outside your saying increase calcium and boron?

100% :wink:
That slow guy is nothing but outdoors in the crappiest soil around.
He helps people grow food better in far off places.
They do outdoor irrigation systems and have calcium ect. just for those type of systems.
That is why I thought it may be right up your alley.
Dunno where you are going with things here, but looks like you are going big. :sunglasses:


Just started planning for this years crop, so my buddy can get the plan submitted to NY and place the order for seeds.

Application for the mentorship program was accepted, so hopefully I can get my license also. One foot in front of the other see how it goes. I’ve been told I’m responsible for the actions not the result.

Out of likes :disappointed:


I’m not the one to talk you out of it :joy:
What are you thinking?

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There is a guy who repeatedly makes an account. He constantly saying everything was a boron issue. One of those abrasive types. He has an “I know the answer, but I’m not going to tell you” attitude.

Not sure if you caught his recent post, but he cited a study on boron deficiency and toxicity in cannabis. While deficiency caused a reduction on yield, toxicity showed no reduction in yield vs the control. :wink:


An observation of mine. I left some seeds on a plant until it died. I’m noticing a lot of the seeds have already split open. Has anyone else noticed this?
Just wanted to check that my understanding of feminized autos and photos is correct. My understanding is the 1 in a 1000 male you find in these populations is ALL female. My thinking is save one of these male plants and use it to pollinate other autos/photos for female seed.
Is my understanding correct? @repins12