Emeraldgreen first thread (Part 1)

Did the seed shell open, so you could see a tail, or was it the seed bract that split open, to reveal the seed inside @Emeraldgreen ?


The seed itself split. If I squeeze it, I can see the inside of the seed. I’ll see if I can get a picture :joy:


I got it!


Where you feeding salts aggressively to the plant before it died. If so maybe dry back caused some reverse osmosis and it sucked every bit of moisture from the plant/seed back into the medium? I don’t really know. I haven’t seen that before. I’ve only seen the seed bracts split open and seed fall out of plants hanging for a couple months. Are all the seed like that? That’s unkind, especially if you where looking forward to that seed batch.


I was ignoring them in the backyard :joy:. I’ve seen it before on certain strains. I was thinking that maybe staying on the plant to long was responsible. Fortunately this is really a birdseed type thing


A bit strange no doubt.
I think outside the rain can add moisture and also wash the dormant hormone ABA away, combine that with a warm day and some sunshine and that could make em pop.

I have not seen this before myself but that makes good scientific sense anyway.
Is the seedling all dry inside the shell?


It’s dry inside. They have been outside in rain and snow. The temps are also pretty mild. They could have started to sprout. I’ll give them a try to see if they sprout.


I remember reading an article about this but, have been unable to locate it all day. Gonna do some more digging :v:t4:


I appreciate your taking the time to look for me. Thank you


I had a recent batch of Ice Cream Cake (f) x Black Triangle (m) seeds do the same thing,an obviously open shell on each/most of the seeds that I looked through,I did leave them to mature for an extended period,I believe they are over done,they are very much viable as I’ve grown some out, I plan on taking them another generation further to make seeds that will retain their viability,as I don’t think these will keep very long at all


What is probably going on is the seeds are low in ABA - abscisic acid, the hormone that keeps seeds dormant.
If they are low in ABA to start, then you have some cold/warm cycles accompanied by rain to wash away any remaining ABA the seeds will sprout.
I feel this may be a flaw.
These seeds will most likely not be ready to go when the weather is right.
They would most likely not reproduce in the wild.

The ABA is supposed to keep the seeds from sprouting until the time is right.
That plant seems confused, it may have been tricked by nature too.
We have all seen this with plants and trees in the spring.


Thank you @shag @Ftlob I appreciate you both taking time to give me more info.

The weather has been really odd the last couple years. 38 degrees in the middle of January in NY.

I’m guessing the shelf life of the cracked ones is much shorter and should be popped sooner.


Yeah the humidity really makes me wanna puke
Trusting the vpd chart rn I’m at 66.5°f and 52% humidity at night it spikes a little but I have some battery powered oscillating fans to help with the situation

At least it’s not hot and humid!


Got that right ! Weird ass season so far brothaa

The temperatures make me feel like I should drop all my beans. The logical side of me says I’ll run out of room.
Out of likes😞


I’ve been on the edge for 5 days now thinking about popping beans
I haven’t updated my thread in almost 2 weeks
Shoulda filled a tote full of dirt when we had that nice defrost


Wow I thought the first half of that message was a cry for help haha.

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It practically is :rofl::rofl:


Hahaha I hear you brotha