Emeraldgreen first thread (Part 1)

2.0 liter with turbo.

winner winner chicken dinner! great news, i am happy for you.

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Thank you :pray:. What a relief that call was.
How are you?


That’s freaking awesome! See karma bro! Good freaking karma! Yessssss


Oh ok I did some checking up on hyundai engines before I bought my 2015 elantra and from what I read the 2.0 did have some issues. Just glad you got a resolution and be back road soon. @Emeraldgreen

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plugging along. life is rough and good! no personal complaints other than getting old is not for sissy’s. :laughing: always a lot of family drama. seems i am constantly being pounded to help put out fires. :persevere:
that is why i am happy you got that call! everyone deserves a win now and then :100: :pray: :boom:
one of my crustomers had the hyundia santa fe 2.0 turbo full of metal shavings and engine replacement warranty job. is that what you had? :face_with_monocle:
sitting around today in the dark no power running the generator to keep life going. talk about a 180! almost 55 degrees the other day and now wind chill in the single digits. the 45-55 wind and gust peels your hands and face off. working on turning it into a win for me. i am digging through the seeds trying to figure out this year outdoor. although, since OG made a seed connoisseur collector out of me i am having a hard time deciding. :nerd_face: :laughing: :grin:
most importantly thank you for asking? :point_left:


I’m sorry to hear that. It seems we are all taking a beating :disappointed::rofl::rofl:. I’ve been rolling with kind of stuff for way to long!
Hope your power gets back on soon. It’s a really a pita on these cold days.
I’m in the same situation as your buddy. They did a recall because of the metal shavings. I had it replaced once before and figured that was it. My mechanic said try anyway it might happen. When I asked why he said they put the same defective motor in last time. Blew my mind

What choices are you looking at for this season?

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Fuck Yeah !!! great news


It truly is great news


it was a manufacturing problem when they machined the block hyundia forgot to clean it. aka dont piss off the guy that cleans the metal shavings after the machining. :joy: they have a warehouse full of those bad engines. just keep replacing the junk with junk. hoping people give up on warranty. helps keep warranty replacement cost down. sad but true. i see this type thing all the time. it is getting harder and harder to spend your hard earned money to buy something that is not junk when it is supposed to be quality original equipment brand new.
no specific order but the ones i have so far selected, killer queen grim brothers, mikado hazeman, poison daddy by @CADMAN working with @Pigeonman , romulan from a former member here. some copa secret chief, gsd f6. some tiger berry from @BasementBeans , some @JohnnyPotseed double stinker and allien OG. starting to think i am crashing maine’s plant count , but still have a few tough choices left.! :wink:
wish i had a farm plot like yours would like to grow a lot of these right now :green_heart: :seedling: :evergreen_tree: :deciduous_tree:


You got some choices!!! I’d love to be do that kind of pheno hunt with no pressure besides finding the one(s) :grin:


Morning dude! How’s it going over on the east side?

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Good morning bro!! Hope all is well today, still got that cough? :mask:


Good morning! It’s going pretty good. I accidentally left plants outside from the warm spell into this cold snap. :flushed: some of them just didn’t like it.
How’re you?
I still have a cough and lingering tired. Wife just tested positive for COVID

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Congrats on the car engine eg!

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Oh you got Kashmir regs? Those from bare? I’d pop those real quick, there’s gold in those I assure you. Lots of great stuff on there, secret chief is fire! I didn’t even know copa did an adage, nice! It’s one of 4-5 bodhi packs I’m still seeking. Definitely a lot of great choices! Doing a big hunt myself, looking forward to seeing yours as well. :facepunch:t2:


Kashmir finish in the northeast?
The stardawg is a possibility in my head


Hmm? I’m not sure, now I’m curious! Stardawg is bomb! Great choice such a classic gem imo


It’s definitely one I want to see in a fast photo version. The clone was close to finishing


Good morning everyone. Looks cloudy and wet outside Hope everyone has a great day