Emeraldgreen first thread (Part 1)

Good morning everyone. Hope we’ll all have a great day!
@Weednerd.Anthony @Hotrods_and_hounds @MoBilly @Gonzo


We are starting off in the right direction, making a bit of breakfast and coffee is flowing! How you kicking so far?

Coffee flowing :grin:
It’s a start :rofl:. How are you?


Doing ok, almost done with being all in the house and sick. Ready to get back out and around! But have the good company of my pup!

Outa :heart::heart::heart:

Coffee position every morning with her :grin:


Stupid daylight savings. Why do they think humans are so dumb. Im ready for universal basic time. And coffee!



I was thinking the same thing this morning. We can go to the moon, make hovercrafts, cure illness…but we can’t get a handle on this clock thing :roll_eyes:

The two time changes every year don’t hit me too hard personally. But, my dog cannot deal, and i feel for commuters, just brutal losing that hour.


Everyone be extra careful out there today.
Statistically more accidents and heart attacks the day after daylight savings time


That’s good way to start the day! Is her nail starting to heal back decent?

@Rhino_buddy i think there’s a bill out now to get rid of daylight savings.


The nail broke off yesterday. She’s getting around much better. I think the glue helped deaden the quick for her.


I’ve heard of this back when I listened to the dog and pony show called the US government. Just a bunch of clowns in that place, and they all probably have swiss cheese brain from CWD. FYI- it’s been proven that you can get the prions for CWD from plants or even other animals that have eaten plants or drank the water contaminated by the affected. Scary shit. I think it’s the beginning of Idiocracy. And it’s probably unavoidable. No way to tell you have it without a brain biopsy. Just another thing to worry about because humans have messed up the ecosystem so bad.
Oh, predator bile can destroy the prions. Guess we should have kept more of them around. Not many reports of Chronic wasting disease around here, thankfully.

Lol sorry. Tangent.


It’s true @Rhino_buddy , its all WWF wrestling. And just like WWF in the 80’s, people are slowly catching onto it being scripted :laughing:

Please feel free to pick your favorite team & root for them though. Nothing wrong with ignoring reality & being happy.


Just stopped by discord a little while ago. It seems they might be starting to put an end to the free for all on there. Apparently a bunch of people got booted and a message to report certain things was posted with a warning. Failure to do so may require actions taken against your act
@shag @HighTilliDie @leetdood


@Emeraldgreen I saw this as well had me concerned this morning about what the future holds for discord


Happened a bunch of times. Just spring cleaning.


Ah yes, the future “Snitch America” where simply seeing something & not immediately saying something means you’re a criminal. That’s literally 1984.

I remember when I first saw this “guilt-by-proximity” behavior a few years back. The cops setup a system in Newark, where driving your car into a certain neighborhood resulted in a warning being sent via-mail to your address. It’s a scare tactic & pathetic.

You can expect this type of behavior to worsen & spread as the establishment desperately tries regain control over the narrative. Tiktok is just the beginning.


Wow that’s crazy and not in a good way.
The whole thing about 1984 is you only need to watch 15 percent of the population. The other 85 percent just go along as told.


Orwell had no idea we’d voluntarily install Ring Doorbells & Alexa home assistants. Couple that with a cellphone in every pocket, nano-tech drones & satellites. Big brother has 98% coverage of the entire planet already. A simple AI algorithm could use that data to keep watch of us all, in real time, forever. Way beyond Orwells greatest nightmare.

In his book there was a corner of a room in which he could write his forbidden words. An apartment he could rent to hide & a forest to meet his girlfriend in secret. There will be no such refuge for future generations.

There will be no crime in the future & the scope of things considered crimes will expand exponentially. There will be total conformity. So I guess enjoy what we’ve got today :laughing:


I can’t think about it to much. It’s pretty scary. I’m so glad I’m not growing up in this time period. Hell my parents would have been arrested for negligence and child abandonment the way I grew up :flushed:


Dude you’re making me paranoid. Hahaha. The crazy thing is a whole generation already grew up like this is normal. I’m still waiting for flying jetson cars. I won’t get any chips implanted into my brain though. At least I don’t think I will. Or do I always have one?