Emeraldgreen first thread (Part 1)

Afternoon bro :facepunch:t2:

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Good afternoon @Emeraldgreen and fellow OGers!

This :

…looks like a delicious, healthful and hearty lunch! I just finished an albacore salad wholewheat wrap (with dried cranberries and honey-glazed peanuts mixed in), which was also delicious, healthful and hearty, but not as photogenic as that bagel.


That sounds delicious also :yum:


Afternoon dude, what you up to today?

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Can I just say getting motivated after being stuck on a couch is difficult :disappointed:
Going to play with my pup! She told me it’s the only important thing that I need to do :grin:
How are you @Hotrods_and_hounds


Lol actually doing the same decided to take a half day and just play with the pup give her some extra attention!


Perfect day!!


@Radicle_Reefer have you tried your garlic dog 6,7? I’d love to know your thoughts on both of them.

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Good morning everyone. Feels like another quiet rainy day here :joy:


Good morning dude!! The pup on full heal now?

She is. Super glueing her nail nerve really helped!

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Hell yeah, I’m gonna have to try that next.

It’s a definite help in the situation. I feel like super glue changed its formula. Just does not work as well as remember

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Let me get back to you on that. They are both trimmed up just need to sample them against each other.

I was just getting ready to soak them. I couldn’t remember seeing any reports on either.
Smell wise is one spicier stinkier than the other?
Hope you have been well
Outa :heart::heart::heart::heart: fast. Today :joy:

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pouring over here melting the snow. chipmunks and robins are happy, they were like wtf after the snow.
still hoping for good weather clear day for the eclipse on april 8th.
glad your dog is back to good health, them dalmatians do like to run so the pup is probably happy too!


I tried something new. I took 14 GT cuts. split them in two piles… stuck 7 cuts each in 2 of these 3 gallon smartpots and dumped some foxfarm ocean forrest in each pot, and stuck em under T5s… They look like they’re thriving. Whole purpose of this was to make as many cuts as possible in a short period of time while not taking up too much floor space. So far it looks like its working out pretty good. I am hoping for 50+ cuts soon… that might be an optimistic number… but who knows. We shall soon find out.


I plan on the same number. As soon as it warms up a touch my seed project is going outside. I’ll start vegging them up then. Can’t put them out until June

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Yeah I never heard of super glue the farm stores out here have some kind of stop bleed powder we use but haha gets messy and if they bleed pretty decent it gets a little hard to use.

Super glue was invented for battlefield medicine :flushed: