Emeraldgreen first thread (Part 1)

Fish sticks and sautéed kale and mushrooms with garlic
Only time I got young ground hog was when I wasn’t paying attention to the dog :flushed:


So you cooked and chose fish sticks? So then like the commercial was it Gordon’s? Isn’t that the phrase gotta be Gordon?

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Not even Gordons. Off brand :joy::joy:


That’s pretty solid what’s in the little dish?

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Cocktail sauce. Blended the kale mushroom sauté

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Mmmm, fish…

Last year, after a long hiatus from fishing in general, I decided that I would fish again but that I would work on catching catfish. I’ve fished for a lot of other fish, but I’d never really gone after the cats. I mean, I can catch bluegill, crappie, and bass all day every day but I’ve done plenty of it and thought that catfishing would be a new challenge.

Here is how bad I am at it. I put a small bluegill on the line and let it free swim, pulling a stick bobber to keep him off the bottom. The bobber went under fast, I wait a half a beat and set the hook. FISH ON! And it is good sized one, too. I ended up pulling the fish through some green slime and a bit of hydrangea which was worrisome, but finally I have this big, wet green blob ashore.

I pull back the slime and the hydrangea and lo and behold… A big ole bass. It was just short of 8lbs and is my personal best. And yeah, I was plenty happy, but dang it, I was fishing for catfish.

I planned all year on catching a couple of nice, eating size catfish (~5lb), but I never caught 'em. I managed one 7lb cat and a pile of 1.5lb that aren’t big enough.

The goal was to catch 'em, clean 'em, fry 'em, and eat 'em. Your fish sticks reminded me that I didn’t manage to have that fish fry and that I kinda suck at cat fishing.


Something to look forward to this season!
Love catfish, definitely a tasty fish. Good luck with your quest :grin:


You change your DP to Brad Pitt and start messaging girls , simple…
Lol :rofl:


@Topdecker on the Midwest for catfish we go deep, the big ones tend to go for more damaged fish than say a crippled bluegill. We put out lines with sinkers and bloody chicken livers no bobbers. And pull catfish all times of day or night!


Good morning everyone. Hope you all have a great day

It would be a fight between the cats and me for children livers :joy::joy::joy:


Good morning bro


Good morning brother


Morning emerald, I am super surprised you’re awake! I was up at like 3 am for a random wake and bake and saw you positing!


Pulling an all nighter huh? Nice


No I had to let the dog out at 3 and didn’t fall back to sleep until 5 :disappointed:


Oh man ! Id kick Charliis ass!

good morning to all. indeed it is a good morning for me woke up with a win win today. got my power back and had some swimmers with tails i put into seed starter and worm casting mix to see if it will kit start them. strains so far with tails. cap junky 91, xj-13, mikado, and sebrings ssdd f-3. more to come.

to celebrate my 2nd OG birthday i have decided to do a seed run on the xj-13 to share with OG.

hope everyone has a great day. getting chores done and excitedly prepping for our trip up north to see the total eclipse tomorrow. supposed to be great weather up here for it. the place i am going to is a very-very small town. 1100 residents. they are expecting est of 5000+ people. it will be a zoo freak show to see in its self. :laughing: they are trying hard to be ready for the mob in a town with 1 grocery store and 2 gas stations. couple of bars. heard mentioned 13 public rest rooms. literally gonna be a shit show. :poop: :poop: :persevere:

they are bringing in food trucks and porta johns to help. cannot wait for the eclipse party in the maine north woods. gonna be once in a life time. :100: :fire: :sun_with_face:


Very cool! Thank you for your generosity


Your a liar with that statement :joy::joy::joy::joy: grumbly mumble, but little tail wag and all I hear is good boy it’s okay :joy::joy::joy::joy:


Haha true that.