Emeraldgreen first thread (Part 1)

DAmn looking better and better every day. whats the plan with the plants ? are these going outside in a field?

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They are all autos. Going to try finishing them up right where they are. We have some fast photos on the side we’re vegging up.
I need to start cloning like a mf :joy:


sweet thats awesome. i just got 5 autos started in 7 gallons today , an overgrow made auto with mephisto genetics. i just took like 46 clones today gotta take another 18 on sunday. (have a friends bday party tomoorow). So your aiming for 3 harvests this year? auto,
fast photo and reg photo?


My plan is autos in the hoop house followed by fast photo clones in the field followed with bandaid haze ix and sour in the hoop house for fall. That’s the plan in my head. My clones have been sucking lately though. I’ll be taking a bunch tomorrow. See how it goes
I have come to the realization that sometimes my planning isn’t the best way…. Life usually takes me where I should be.


I’ve noticed peppers r tacoing as well even the strawberry plants outside!
Everything’s looking great !
Sometimes planning is only a let down brother I’ve learned it multiple times still do lol !

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Last year the one strain we started was banjo. That strain told me from day 1 to drop it! Finicky weak plant that I kept trying to get healthy to plant. I eventually got a bunch in…. October 1 minimum flower development what a waste
What works will reveal itself
It’s fricken warm for this time of year!

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Yeah it’s crazy warm that’s for sure and dry …
Sometimes we have to see it unfold infront of us to give up hope!

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A happy puppy


Crippy Xmas greening up


ahh yeah you can see the tops showing nice green growth.


I’m waiting on the growth spurt. The weather has me super confused. I feel like I’m way behind with the plants because it’s so warm and tonight is dropping to 28!


It’s coming. The stalks are massive, so they get going fast after up potting. Like you, I had my BX’s in cups for 6 weeks, then 1 week later already pushing the laterals out. Rigidity and girth in the branch will indicate which to keep watch on. Last row on top and 3rd on the bottom, even see variegation in it.


:heart::heart::heart::heart: I’m really excited to put these out. You had mentioned earlier about b being a great commercial producer. I believe she will be, however I’m just excited by a potentially coming in earlier and naturally staggering the harvest


Yes, I’d say even 42 days on the earlier side if need be, and would still be potent to harvest. I’m curious to know how fast into the season they finish naturally :thinking:


I’ll let you know in a couple months. I’ll also have COA on each one for you


Excellent! I’m looking forward to seeing the info complied :+1:


same here got frost warnings for tonight and tomorrow night possible temps in the 20’s. at night. just got done bringing plants back in for the next 2 days. hope this is the last of the cold for the season. def been an up and down spring so far.


Wanna hear a secret :no_mouth:
I’ve had mine out for a week now :sweat_smile:
So far they have survived severe drought extreme wind and now some 32 degree weather haha
It’s an experiment and I need to know the soonest I can put a CLONE in the ground lol


Should be soon. First week of June :crossed_fingers:

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still almost have myself convinced

If you look at the daylight hour chart it’s a 28 min difference from June first :face_with_raised_eyebrow:
And sunrise is at 530 tomorrow…bright enough to see at 5:00 am sunset at 8:00 -8:30 it gets dark
Hence why I’m doing the experiment lmao

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