Emeraldgreen first thread (Part 1)

I can’t wait to see them outside in the field!


Looking real good brother,minus the loss, could have been worse I suppose. ironically shi-tzu s and terriers are mouse/rat killing fiends too, they see them and lose their ish trying to find and eradicate them, my baby girl has killed a rat, mortally wounded another, and mice I’ve lost count, after the second time I started researching it and it turns out many terriers etc. have been bred and trained for this . Put one of those guys in there you’ll be good to go and you have an epic companion, protector and guard dog as well as alarm system as when anyone steps foot on your property they’ll let you know 100%


I put moth balls around the entire hoop house every 2 feet. It has drastically improved the survival rate. I’m digging the swings though.

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Ya it’s smart and effective for sure! You can use bucket traps etc . Too or just the poison traps (professional grade) work too , soon you won’t have to worry once they are more situated.

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You putting the crippy out there too?

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I absolutely am. I started the bandaid haze also for a late run in the hoop house. I figure the season extension it adds should let them finish if I put them out mid August. The plants will definitely be sexually mature by than

everything is looking lush and vigorous !!!

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Thank you! I’m really hoping for a massive growth explosion so I can get the clone numbers I want


Sour dubb pocket weed

10+ year cross I made. Wonder if they sprout


Keeping us in suspense EG! Is it a Sour D cross?


It’ll sprout :+1:


I was wondering how long it would take for someone to ask the genetics!
Sfv (hp13 • unknown male)
I used to think it was atf, but it’s highly unlikely I believe

Pocket weed is sour dubb • sour d my friend just made


Thanks for the vote of confidence! I shook them in a sandpaper box for a bit before planting :crossed_fingers:


You putting clones outdoors …just say
The word all of mine r going out hahaha
Looking good brother! I’m deff digging the swing style lol

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All seed plants. I’m scared to put them out just yet. Don’t want them to flower on me.
I can’t wait to get everything out of my house. It can’t happen soon enough


I still had frost last night up here hoping the seeds that were just sprouted will manage okay for me. the clones and 1 month Copa seedlings were fine.


I’m putting them in a hoop house. That makes it so much easier for the temps. Without it I’d be in serious trouble with overcrowding and inadequate lighting

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Def different. I prefer Apple Fritter, it’s like a classy OGK and the taste is very nice

Wedding Cake is more well-rounded and probably stronger, but not as fine imo

Don’t know about the growing aspects of each though

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Not a whole lot of stuff especially new polys that beats wedding cake imho properly grown WC is absolutely stellar and is one of very few cookieish strains I absolutely love. Still haven’t grown AF But have smoked several versions, I found it to be similar to some good cheese but with added terps imho


I love wedding cake. My buddy just said the fritter was better in every way. I’ll try it out and see. I’m a bit prejudiced though.

@Rabeats2093 the last couple days I’ve had taco leaves on some of my plants I put outside. I’m seeing it more on the older leaves that aren’t as healthy.

Got to spread everything out a bit
Thank you @setgoals @TopShelfTrees1 for sharing your thoughts with me.