Emeraldgreen first thread (Part 1)

Beautiful grow brother,I really hope you get well and sending the best possible vibes your way !
Mad Respect !


Beautiful field and plants, brother. I’m so glad to follow along.
Get well soon, covid sucks…
Also I thought you were more like my age group LoL, turns out you started growing when i was 5 :flushed:


That made me laugh :laughing:.


some more pictures of our field. Some bug eggs that I found. These were identified in 5 minutes on the bug Id thread. Everything had hollow stalks!


Cool update. Nice to see the story continue. Hope your feeling better @Emeraldgreen .:peace_symbol:


I’m feeling better thank you! The updates will continue :joy:. I definitely have experience with Atlas seed Company that I can share. Here’s a picture that you will enjoy

Papaya bomb finger hash. Nice deep traditional hash seem with orange mixed in.


That’s a lovely piece of goodness! Gotta love the finger hash. I’ve never had authentic charra before, but I always imagined it was something like this. Only charras coming off a live plant , so maybe totally different.:grin::+1:


Couldn’t ask for better weather !
Everything is looking orderly
Nice fricken work bro


Thank you!
The picture is from earlier in the seasons. So much work
Everything has been down from mid September to first week of October.


Ahhh gotcha … shoulda known !
I just pulled my last one two days ago :sweat_smile:

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Some seed survivors from my back porch torture this summer


4 weeks under hlg led. Looks like a learning curve from led and hps!
All input from led growers wanted please


couple more photos to show. The first 3 are banjo and papaya bomb he/she shots. Some finishing bud shots working on getting my indoor back in shape😳. My first application of BBP


Gorgeous looking outside plants! Awesome job @Emeraldgreen ! I knew the story would have a happy ending.


BBP is no joke. Mix at the recommended levels and follow the schedule. If anything mix it a little light. Looks like you sprayed them and the light was still on? Fans off lights off (indirect light was fine) I did the same thing with similar results.

The stuff works but I tried to shortcut the schedule and recommended ways to apply the product.

Good stuff man


They are in rough shape from neglect 🥹. I appreciate the reminder though because I would never try to take a shortcut :laughing:

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Dang, show me what the ladies look like that you don’t like. J/K

You seem to have shit more then in hand :ok_hand:


Okay here is why I should read things for clarity before doing anything.
My first application of BBP was 5ml in 8 instead of 2.5 per 8 as the directions say. Did no obvious damage. I hope it speeds up the clones I’m about to take.
This has also made me wonder how seeds would react if a little BBP was added to the water? Experiment I believe I should try.


I think some people have done just that with both seeds and clones with success. I’m sure Bob will chime in…he always does. Some of the best customer service in the industry.


Good morning OG ers !

First things first! I don’t recommend soaking seeds OR adding BBP to your clone WATER…the problem is that BBP was developed as a ‘foliar only’ product because it WILL support microbial growth when diluted…the use of H2O2 in your seed starting soak is much better as it’s a little acidic and also ANTIMICROBIAL !
@Emeraldgreen , BBP has a wide safety margin. Once I had the formulation I wanted, I did about a years work of heavy dosing (4 ozs BBP per gallon) a multitude of ornamentals to observe ANY phytotoxic effects. I love ornamentals because I can shoot anything from ground covers through perennials. I was particularly interested in applying during all stages of flower bloom, as flower tissue is the most sensitive tissue any plant has !
On some groundcovers, I actually kept increasing dosage rates until I saw burnt leaves…It was very interesting in that when the plants recovered from the burn, they came back like gangbusters !
I do believe we have developed the most cost effective, efficient program with lower dose, weekly applications. The 2ml, 2.5ml, 3ml dosage rates applied during the life of your plants WILL maximize the affect and minimize your costs !

Good luck and let me know if you have any questions/concerns…
Thanks, Bob