Emeraldgreen first thread (Part 1)

@Emeraldgreen wait to go hitting the fields running. This looks epic. I’m glad for you and your friend, more jealous lol :laughing: but still this is very cool. That’s a field right there… awesome. I’m glad you have started a journal. I remember seeing you around, wicked plants my friend. Good luck on your license as well.



I appreciate your response and information. As stated above excellent customer service!
My thinking with the seeds was it might give a boost to older seeds.


Thank you! It has been an amazing experience for sure. We’ve had to discard some old ways of thinking and doing stuff with this.
Thank you also for the support on me hopefully getting my license also.
Love the licker of rocks! Makes me laugh every time I read it


Lol, thanks bud. Many people may not realize it but, I’m a rockhound. Have to rep it :laughing:


Rock hound or mineral hound? :wink:

I had a neighbor growing up that would take a bunch of us kids out to the CA desert to look for rocks/Geodes. I mean Minerals…

I sill remember her saying, “their minerals not rocks”

She got us into gardening also. Got my first spider plant from her…


Awesome. It’s just a name, like. Rock licker… I’m into minerals, fossils, and different classifications of rocks. We regularly go to public mining spots and have a ton of fun digging up good stuff. It’s also fun to have a nice display of findings and, well it has taken over me. My most recent add to the collection was a amethyst cathedral. It was a gift. Its very unique.


I love rocks/ minerals also. If it’s worth doing it’s worth overdoing :joy:


That’s a definite. I love the hobby


My brother has the itch. He has rocks all over the darn place. Inside, outside, In display cases, In front of the TV, On the coffee table, in the bathroom, in his pocket, in boxes, etc…

There is a bunch of calcite here and he uses it as a perimeter for his trees, shrubs etc…

I find crystals and stuff in plants all the time. I reuse soil and every darn time I find a shit-ton of crystals in there… My brother is like the F’n crystal fairy Man Fairy tiny

He used to put a bunch of crystals outside in a certain area for my son when he was little. My son would go over to his house just to hunt for crystals…

If there is any kind of construction site you can guarantee my brother will be there looking for stuff…

Remember when Hank was talking about Rhodonite and Walter gave the Chemists version of Manganese?


That’s awesome. Your very own crystal fairy! What a good uncle also


How am I doing with the pictures?


Infused oil for brownies. 4 grams of dry sift per pan.



Yes, Please!


They are for two friends with high tolerance :joy:


Atlas seeds final thoughts

Their seeds produce very vigorous plants that have a good yield.

The flower quality is good, but not connoisseur quality.
Good potency that would last about 2 hours for most people that sampled it. My wife smokes more when she is active, since it makes her injury worse.
I’ve been told it’s tasty. The fact that the taste disappeared about half way through a joint is the main reason I consider it good, not great.
Smell for me was incredibly muted. I believe this is because I was around it all the time. Other people have told me it stinks.

They are pretty resistant to rot and mold from what I saw this year. September was cold and really wet in the northeast.

They all were cold tolerant.
The dosido and papaya bomb were the most cold tolerant from what I saw. The temperature was going into the 30’s for a lot of September.
All the ice cream cake purpled up. The dosido and papaya bomb were a mix of purpling and green.

These were called fast photos. We still had them in the ground the beginning of October. They were slightly faster than the clones we had going. They did yield better.

The only strain I would avoid is the banjo. It had balls on about 40 percent of the plants. This was were the stem would met each other.
Papaya bomb also had a higher herm rate just not as much as banjo.
The banjo also never developed flowering. Everything was coming out and the banjo had really undeveloped wispy bud.

The takeaway is that we will use atlas again for seed purchase.

Anything that I may have missed please ask. I’m happy to answer any questions I can.


I’m just going to continue on with the thread.

My older dog had sonar yesterday. Just found out she has a massive tumor in her abdomen.
I don’t know if she has days, weeks.


I am very sorry to hear that about your dog.
Very beautiful dog!
Enjoy your time together.
I know the pain you are going through. Try to take it easy.
Best wishes my friend.


Thank you @chronix
We’re going for a second opinion. Hopefully we can get better news.
Either way enjoying time with her


Can the tumor be operated on? I hope all works out for her.


Holy fields of green!!! That’s an impressive plot @Emeraldgreen A wet dream for tent/closet micro growers :joy: I think I remember Subcool showed off a field like that once. Anyway you have quite the experience lurking, but glad to see your know how in action. I know you’ve been enjoying what I’ve been putting out. And yes I’d like to see you grow a field of the Crippy Xmas project :grin: