Emeraldgreen first thread (Part 1)

20 mins about !


On 79 by any chance :joy: only road into town I know

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My bad bro I mistaked it for illion :rofl::rofl:

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Oh, okay, so it’s the consumers who are paying the taxes, not the cultivators? Well… I guess they should grow their own then haha!

I’m still not understanding the logic behind the tax, though. Like, who came up with that? How did they come to the conclusion that weed should be taxed on how much thc it contains? Not that I think thc percentages mean jack-shit when it comes to how something smokes, but it’s almost as if there’d be an incentive for everybody involved to grow weed that had lower percentages.

I guess nobody in NY is selling concentrates, then, huh? :joy::joy::joy: No hash, no rosin etc etc?

Still not even close to as crazy as it is in CA. Last I read it was 37%, unless that’s changed in the past couple years.

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Yes the consumer ultimately pays it all. The tax rate for concentrates is .008.
Part of the reason our tax structure is set up this way is from watching Cali. Local towns and counties can not allowed to add any taxes onto what’s in place. The other reason is the cultivation tax isn’t listed, so people believe that they are paying less than they are. The effective tax rate is much closer to 25 percent


They have to quit taxing it so high. Given a choice, and competitive price, people will choose to buy tested product from a regulated competitive market …or grow their own. There’s still a moonshine market worldwide precisely because of this “sin tax”. Legalize everything, we’re adults…standard sales tax :laughing: What do you think Emeraldgreen.

If I were a betting man, I’d bet everything illogical exists because it benefits someone with a vested interest in the status quo :wink:


All good points @Gonzo the legal market isn’t to much more expensive than the black here in only months. Lab tested product for 25-60 an eighth. Honestly shocked me how fast it dropped in price.same taxes as alcohol and such is how it should be.


My first (winter) batch of ssdd had an impact on my own condition, the few times I tried it.
That first small plant was shared with about 5 people I know and everybody experienced a Relief from pain, in one form or another.

My own experience was not so much a pain relief, but an increase in my necks range of motion ie: limited rotation to the right; it allowed a greater turn before the pain jumps in. Funny response, but it was consistent.

Thanks for asking @Gonzo, and as soon as it was all gone, I stuck another SSDD in the ground. We harvest her next week possibly; SSDD x StarLite (and the Cali Orange Haze is chugging along as well ! )


Hope it provides relief like the first one.


Well I can say this leg thing sucks. I get updates and pictures, but no hands on. Just got the picture updates on the hoop house and all I see are rotten tops :disappointed:


Ahhhhh man! Really sucks hearing this. Wish I was close by I’d of helped you out brotha


That’s horrible!:frowning:
Better tell the crew to get on top of that.


Thank you guys! Crew was working on other stuff :joy:


So sorry to hear those words @Emeraldgreen. Secure your own Health bro, the Dust will settle


Sour d early Iranian. Wife just gave this a big thumbs up for pain relief.


Heck yeah ! Glad to hear that !


So is she which means I am also :joy:


Awesome ! Looks great too

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Morning brotha, Hows the leg healing up?
That sour d looks great and some heavy medicine.


Sending best wishes your way @Emeraldgreen

I have some visual medicine for you, as we have harvested the Cali Orange Haze. A few days into week 11.

Its been a honour growing this treasure. Not a single issue all Summer long!

More to come, these are phone shots, but it was special !

Cheers N Thanks Bro