Emeraldgreen first thread (Part 1)

It’s an ongoing issue with quiet time and chaos. I really should have divorced her, just hope it changes. I really try to keep my struggles to myself. Just hitting me hard tonight


Deep breaths brother.
I don’t know your situation, so I won’t say something stupid like “it’ll be ok”. Sometimes things aren’t ok.
Just be true to yourself. Be open with your partner. Take a step back. Think.
I hope you can find your way through the struggle.
I’m always here to listen or to chat bud.


I appreciate it


I feel for you! Do what is best for you.
I had a bad one. Then I had a great one. Made me wonder why I stuck 20 years.

:green_heart: :seedling:


Talking about stuff helps & that’s what a community is for. I mean, once you got a lifetime of seeds, what else is OG for? Making friends & talking/sharing what’s up, with like minded folks :+1:


Agreed @G-paS . I did ten in a shitty abusive marriage and I have never felt happier than when I got the fuck out.
Hard, but worth it.


Hello @emeraldgreen

I was wondering if you had any info or pics of Dream Beaver x Dirty Taxi. I have acquired some.


Damn bro, NEVER suffer silently, I’m here for you, as are SOOO MANY! You’ve been a great friend and I’m ALWAYS here if u need me. Things get real hard when everyday life is an absolute struggle. Much love and seriously , I’m only a message away .


Brother , Ive been in the downward spiral before its never fun. I only hope that you stay positive and its true talking does help, , that’s coming from the guy who has bottled up emotions my whole life and doesn’t like to talk about problems. If i only started realizing at a younger age to take care of my mental wellbeing earlier. I was in a horrible 10 year realationship and gave everything up to get out. i lost my house most my animals and many other things. But even with a chronic back injury now my life feels more peaceful with just my dog and myself, although everyday is a battle. I would really like to meet up and hang out soon. I want to put a face to your great online personality. NY strong, don’t forget. Always here if you want to vent or shoot the shit. Wish we meet up when you came to Syracuse or Ithaca


Yeahhhh, I think once you start saying stuff like,”I really should have divorced her,” probably things aren’t gonna change too much. I’m not trying to be harsh or anything, but once you’ve come to a conclusion like that, you should probably just divorce her. No point waiting it out. Things rarely get “better” after thinking things like that.

But maybe they will, I dunno. I’ve heard about people “saving their marriages” before. Not often, but it happens… I’m of the mind that once things get shitty, it’s best to just bounce.


talking about “auto’s” have read were strains that are labeled/listed as “fast autos” need an extra week or two before harvesting ? Don’t know if this is true or not but I have found out that auto’s go a little longer that their suggested flower time


Many times this comes true.

First love is the puppy love… exciting and new

Second love is the one that hurts you… but it gives you lessons

Third love is the person you’re ready for and can grow with together.


This resonates with me.

My first marriage should have ended 10 years earlier than it did but you get so caught up on the inside that you forget to look at the outside.

Bad things can become comfortable. Marriages, friendships, bad habits…if they don’t elevate you, they go.


Everybody’s different, sometimes injuries & being stuck at home can exacerbate emotions… BUT I can confirm the peacefulness :laughing: :100: :heart:


Thank you everyone for your support. I really appreciate it. I’ve gotten used to a bad situation and just struggling to get the energy for the upcoming battle I imagine is coming. I don’t like sharing about it because I don’t want to be coming on here and complain about my relationship.


Dude, please do. It’s not complaining, its venting :+1:


A little bitching is ok. Everybody needs to vent sometimes.

When I got divorced I said “we are going to follow the law exactly because otherwise we are going to tear each other apart.”

But there were no kids involved which made it easier.

She spent 10k on a lawyer. It accomplished nothing. I spent $300 on a lawyer. Same outcome. That in itself should show you just how different and unsuited for each other we were :joy:


@CocoaCoir the dirty taxi I had doubled in size. Trigger at 12 and I’d get 24-30 under hps. Golf ball buds very similar to og type plant growth. Don’t remember the nose unfortunately. I do remember everyone was happy with it and sad when it was gone.

The dream beaver was more leaning toward the chem side in structure. Was also well received by friends and such.

I’d expect the dream beaver to tighten up the node spacing with added potency from the dirty taxi. I would expect 9 weeks with how I harvest, but I think I cut earlier than a lot of you :joy:. If I missed anything ask

@hawkman i didn’t find the fast photos to need more time then the photo clones I ran. You can speed up the finish by cutting water back towards the end of flower. Clones of fast photos flower really hard and fast for me.
Autos tend to take longer than stated usually for me as well. I take it all as a guideline. If I missed something please ask


I’m dealing with a person who refuses to see/ hear anything that doesn’t fit into her reality. We currently own nothing but debt :joy:. She refuses to accept this though. She wants the 1950 model of I pay for everything combined with the 2000 model of she does whatever she wants. I should be applying for a commercial grow license but am dragging my feet because I don’t want to have to buy her out down the road. It’s a tenuous situation, I


When I was doing the divorce financials I discovered she had a secret 20k debt that had been spent on consumer crap.

We had assets but also tremendous debt. And yet she continued to spend and didn’t tell me about it.

It sucks man. I have no advice for you just sharing my experience.