Emeraldgreen first thread (Part 1)

You could always just stop doing those things and shell probably leave you and then you wont have to leave her.

Then you can find yourself and then find someone who can go in on a real life partnership. Have to have confidence in your self and your future.

Also… I grew the dream beaver twice and it is my favorite plant ive ever grown. Thanks for the information.


She won’t leave, because she would need to do something to support herself. Even me just paying basic stuff is a better life than what she can do.


I’m waiting for someone to f2 them😁. It was a really nice strain. One of many I lost


I have 4 beans left but they’re almost ten years old.


I’ve seen some others in the Bodhi thread get them, so :crossed_fingers:


If a branch stops bearing fruit, cut it off.


I’m pretty sure she’s been cheating on you too, because I just recently wised up and dumped that girl myself… life is too short to carry that kind of a burden, imo. Just gotta hope the divorce doesn’t cost you too much.


Oh I absolutely believe this. No proof, but I believe it. We have a friend that she started to call up to help with stuff. She expected him to show up for her the same way she’d expect me to. I didn’t get it until recently when the light bulb went off. They both deny it, but I don’t believe either of them. It’s a f&@king mess
Everyone thank you for taking the time to chat with me. It means so much! :heart::heart::heart::heart:


Holy shit brother, you are a better man than I. Regardless that dudes face would be hamburger meat if he disrespected me like that, and he’d wholeheartedly deserve it (never EVER mess with another man’s woman) such a difference from 20+ years ago out there it’s crazy. I soooo feel for you and being stuck home day in and out just stewing about it is not helping I’m sure. I truly wish I was closer, I’d be there for you to vent to, and to beat that douchebags ass while you can’t do it yourself :wink: I’ll say it again, hmu anytime. You are a good friend and I’d be more than glad to help ease/lessen your load. For real


Can’t you just get divorced? If you’re worried about her taking stuff then just find something out that is a legit reason in your state to divorce someone. Some states it is no reason and some states you need some reason to basically “win.” Put a frickin air tag in her purse and see if she goes to his house etc. You could also put a microphone depending on legalities. You could hire a private investigator. Anything to make it easier for you legally. If you live in one of those states where you can just kick her out then I would advise that.

Remember that you are providing everything for her. It is not the other way around. Time is something we can never get back and if you wait another 5-10 years… maybe you miss a good person for you that cares for you and is true. Work on yourself and your confidence and get away from the mental hula hoops being slung at you. It is hard to get out of it when youre this deep. Gotta swim to the shore a lil and then maybe you can touch your toes on the ground.


Thank you both. I’m stupid broke which is why I haven’t pursued it. I was hoping the payment from the farm would catch me up enough to get a lawyer. Hasn’t worked out yet the way I planned. Fortunately I have all of you to talk to, so I focus on more productive stuff than all the bs! Stepping away to do my pt exercise


glad you have the support of others here for you. sounds like you are going thru a lot. your recent injury and marital problems. being laid up surely gives you more idle time to dwell on things.
i have walked in your shoes and even though you may not be able to understand or figure out things right now at this moment…in time things will work themself out and you will find your self in a better place in the future.
i truly believe we are never given more that we can chew or handle in life. there is a master plan for everyone to be happy, we just have to give it time…to get there.
i think back about the times of personal, financial and legal problems that i had in my life and it seemed like i had no way out. seemed like the end of the world at that time. but now i look back and realize what i lived and learned from these times.
i am proud of my struggles and problems because it made me who i am today, a way better man than i was then. one day you will be a better man from all this too and look back and laugh at these time. like i did.
a bit of what i know for sure. no one has yesterday no one has tomorrow, all that anyone has is today. right now this moment in life. life can change in a blink of an eye as you know.
don’t sweat the past leave it where it belongs. dont worry what tomorrow will bring. you have no control over that. i have learned to live life in the moment and know that if you make the best choice possible even if there are no good choices in your moment that life will absolutely get better, i am living proof of that.
keep your chin up brother, and keep on trucking. you will make it thru this and life does get better. respectfully, mainerJ


100 percent agree with this. The hindsight lessons are always there. Just being in the middle of it suuucks😂


Wow… at first I thought… I can’t even imagine being so entitled that you’d think a life like that is possible… but then I remembered my Ex… and that described our arrangement perfectly… after I thought about it, I remembered that it wasn’t until I moved all of her shit out into the driveway that she realized she couldn’t get away with that mindset anymore.


That’s the kicker! Everything I’ve been saying will make sense to her once we’re separated. Such a funny thing :unamused:


Some people live in their own island of deniability their whole life…
You can’t help someone who doesn’t want to be helped…

I’m rooting for you brother @Emeraldgreen
You can do it bro :muscle::muscle::muscle:


Thank you buddy :heart::heart::heart:


Same here. We have a few slow learners here that have been there. You do what is good for you. It really hurts your health.

Edit: I waited till he was 40 and traded me in on a 20 year old. :roll_eyes:

:green_heart: :seedling:


I definitely fit the slow learner :joy:. Not putting a like on that one. It always amazes me how similar are stories are. The very similar nature tells me if others get through it so will I.:heart::heart::heart:


Facts brother. Even on my worst day I’m happier than I ever was during my marriage.
You got this