Emeraldgreen first thread (Part 1)

She is a year old. She is a cutie isn’t she :heart_eyes:. Amazing personality and so different than the other one.
The eagle picture was taken from my car window. It always amazes me to see them. I stop and put my hazard lights on. So many people drive by and don’t see them!


its nice to see the make a come back in NY state


Hell ya, I’m like you. I’d stop for sure, I’m fascinated by them. It’s crazy once they get up close the actual size of them , or their weight! I was fishing one morning, just about to head down to the gorge when I saw this guy with an eagle on his arm, I was like wtf, I went over and talked with him, he has over 60 birds, mostly big predators, even a golden eagle and some really cool owls.


And she definitely is gorgeous! It’s amazing the personalities dogs acquire! Each one is so unique. Never ceases to amaze me


Healing goes quicker with constant companions to keep you company. :wink:


Wow that is a beautiful eagle. What a great chance encounter.
I love all the different personalities that cats and dogs have :joy:


It definitely was! Never been up close and personal like that , that’s for sure. Those talons are unreal! Never realized the sheer size, or that they can pretty much bite through anything with that beak. Gave me even more appreciation for those gorgeous birds that’s for sure


They are amazing! All the top predators are making a comeback in the area, especially in the last 15 years or so.


So awesome to hear, the banning of all those pesticides and poisons have sure helped, They we’re all but completely dissapeared from Niagara 10-12 years ago, even the turkey vultures and peregrines were scarce . Now the eagles can be found if you know where to look, turkey vultures are an every day sight again (literally if I look up and don’t see one riding the currents it’s weird) and the peregrines and hawks are all over. It’s actually pretty heartwarming and gives hope for the many species on the brink :crossed_fingers:t3:


100 percent agree. Not sure about ther peregrines, red tails and turkey vultures are everywhere. I heard my first ever red fox mating call about 5 years ago. Woke me out of a dead sleep! Felt like I was in some horror movie :joy:


Woah how cool would that be!?


Haha I’m not sure if I’ve heard that, I’m blessed to have coyotes, foxes etc. in my backyard, the coyotes I’ve watched rear their young etc two springs now and it’s really cool, the foxes are a bit more devious as they like to pop out and scare Charlii sometimes but I love them too! I can’t remember seeing one here in my childhood /teen years etc. but now I know of four locations all within a few kms where they are abundant, much more skittish than coyotes when it comes to people, just not Charlii! One was literally about 2 feet from her backside, popped out of nowhere, then proceeded to follow us 5 blocks home. I actually carried Charlii cuz it was so persistent and my screaming, stomping, swearing did nothing but make it more intrigued it seemed . Now I’m much more cautious in the evening hours


Tons of coyotes here. They are more cautious than foxes though. My brother’s coworker was walking his yellow lab on an extension lease. 3 coyotes attacked the dog in broad daylight, 20 feet from him.
Trust me you’ll remember the first time you hear a fox mating call!
Picking Charli up was a great call. Better safe than sorry


Holy shit, did they hurt the dog bad ? That’s an insane situation! Wow

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The dog survived, but they hurt him. One faced off with him while two others hit him on each side. Perfectly coordinated attack. Owner had to physically kick them off the dog and rush him to the vet


Damn! Crazy. I’m always cautious but now even more so, I’d bite off a coyotes face to save my baby girl, believe that! Glad to hear the dog lived but guarantee that traumatized both him and the pup, crazy regardless


Just on the outskirts of a city of about 30k!


Please tell me that’s not you standing up on the chair while you got a bum leg…

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I can be brain dead at times for sure. That is not me though. I was comfortable sitting on the couch taking pictures


The birthday girl is tired our