Emeraldgreen first thread (Part 1)


Dude, I have that same exact dog toy in the top of that picture, that orange band thing. It’s definitely my boxer’s favorite out of the, like, twenty that my girl’s bought her haha.

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The one on the right loves tuggy and her ball!! The orange thing used to squeak once upon a time :joy:


Haha, yeah, ours is done squeaking, too. I’m actually surprised it’s even still intact. I give it another month, maybe.

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It might last for a little bit longer :joy:

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nothing better than the dogs close and getting high on your homegrown. are they Dalmatians ?


Love those dogs! How’s the leg bro? Hope things are improving for you


@Kami they are Dalmatians. Love them, spoiled rotten :joy:
@TopShelfTrees1 the leg is getting better. I’m about to start resistant training and weight baring in pt.
Have a great day!


Awesome. I’m very glad , I bet you are just itchin to get that cast off and back to normal. All in good time I suppose, have an awesome day yourself bro

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I would really like to get back to normal. I just hear terribly stories of things not healing correctly and they go back in and break it :flushed:. Just hoping it’s healing up correctly so I can start carrying stuff. I’ve got a overgrown 4•4 to tend which is difficult on crutches :joy:


I bet , and yes I’ve actually known two people who’ve needed that done. As long as you’ve been taking it easy, and the docs did their job right to begin with all should be well. One was still playing softball with a broken wrist :man_facepalming:t2: , and the other was in a hit and run after they had their leg broken, the accident must have dislodged it and they needed emergency surgery, Todd was just dumb and actually had his wrist reset TWICE, no joke. Guys swinging a bat in a tourney with a cast on…. Dumbass :angry:


Yeah got to agree, dumb ass. I’m just watching tv, playing tuggy or fetch and doing what pt told me to. :crossed_fingers:I’m back on my feet soon. Crutches and snow don’t sound good together.


On my way home today


For what its worth if i lived near id come be a free farmhand for the duration.

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Appreciate the offer!

Im a colorado mtn goat

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The commute would kill you😂. Never been to Colorado

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Good morning everyone! Hope your off to a good start!

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Good morning buddy. Hope you have a great day. Puppy birthday today, so games all day


Haha the bubble game! Charlii loves killing bubbles! Happy Birthday to the gorgeous pup! How old?

Btw I’m jealous of your eagle sighting! I watched a mating pair here for 4 years almost daily near my favourite fishing spot, I’d even toss them juveniles I catch from time to time. But one day the best was abandoned and I haven’t seen them since. I see individuals here and there but always wondered what happened to my buddies, I even watched them raise their young and saw them disappear from the nest