Emeraldgreen first thread (Part 1)

I forgot to respond to your weasel sighting. They fierce little predators. That whole group is. The area I’m in reintroduced fishers in the late 60. I saw my first live one last year.


I’ve heard good things about that honey banana does it live up to the reputation?

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Hey EG, it’s great to hear you’re recovering!! You’ll be up and running around before you know it!


I just got her. Haven’t heard much about her. What have you heard?

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There was someone not too long ago looking for the strain. Now that I look back at Google that strain was honey bunny not honey bananas lol. Still im always down for a banana strain especially if it smells and taste like the runtz banana candy

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The linage I found was strawberry banana • honey boo boo


Still sounds pretty good!

Strawberry banana is super tasty great washer. Good yields if my memory is correct

Eventually I wanna get a bubble bag and run some green thru that as ive seen a lot of great results from others but I gotta get my supply back up again before I do anything like that

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Projects never stop :joy:.


Ikr?! Especially with the grow I always have so many ideas to try and I want to experiment with a lot of new equipment, methods, and training. The very next project is a bonsai for my fiance. We have tried to do this before but she didn’t stay committed and the clone she had took up a 4x4 space so we cut it down completely and did a clone run with 17 of the best clones from 36 we rooted. Hopefully this go around will be better and I’ll see more commitment

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:crossed_fingers:for the new project with her. Just so she knows I’m not committed to bonsai myself :joy: I’m a higher numbers less training

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Thanks man! We already have the bonsai wire in varying sizes. Might get some stencils and copy gold dust farms off instagram and do some shapes that would be cool. Hope your having a good morning so far!

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Is anyone close to Stoney Creek Virginia?


Is around 900 miles close?


Close’ish…lol…closer than 901 miles


My wife is stuck there after an accident on 95 on Friday

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Now I feel like a moron for saying what I did.


You responded, I appreciate the humor. She isn’t hurt thank god. She is running outa weed :joy:


I mean, I don’t wanna sound like a dick or anything, but, uh, fuck ‘er. She’s cheating on you. She can find her own weed. In Stoney Creek or wherever else.

Sorry if that’s too harsh, but…