Emeraldgreen first thread (Part 1)

Normally they say skipping a couple days makes it more effective. I just took it every morning with my coffee :grin:
Good morning @Gonzo


Yea that’s cool, I kinda adopted these stray kittens that live in my garage but it’s been so cold I made em little houses with heated blankets but the damn blankets have built in timers that go off every 3 or 4 hours so I’ve been making sure I ran out there all night and the day to cuz it’s been cold.

Yea the 3days on 4 off cuz you build a tolerance to shrooms , acid, any psychedelic I’m pretty sure pretty damn quick. So 3 days on at 100 - 200mg I take it with my coffee and bowl within 2 weeks it’s when I first noticed my energy was better, I was more motivated and just generally a nicer person and I never stopped. Need the days off so it effects you when you do take it and then builds up so it still effects you on the days off after a bit. Make sense?


That is an advantage to old stuff. I have a heating pad no timer :grin:. I always laugh when it’s left on and I step away cats magically appear


Yea I have a seed warmer I put out there to that things from like 97 so it’ll probably burn my house down but at least the cats will be warm and on fire…


Any of guys follow Beleaf genetics outa Oklahoma?! I picked up this Autumn SunsetScreenshot_20240104-045407|225x500 Ive seen frosty nugs but this is unreal


I don’t follow him, but have seen some of his pictures. Crazy frost

Sorry picture wouldn’t upload for some reason but yeah I’m in a holding pattern til my next grow til probably Sept cuz I’m going to GA to attempt an Appalachian Trail thruhike to Maine in April so living off my lazy Susan and her many many jars til I can get going again.


Sounds like a great trip. I’d definitely make some edibles or concentrate. I just pictured you with a second backpack of jars at the trail head :joy:

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Hahaha one strapped on the front, oh man got me laughing but yea besides bringing a good amount down initially I’m also going to have a friend mail drop me green as I need it coming up so no reason that I have to do without have like 10 different kinds and so many jars stashed in this house I’m sure whoever lives here after me will find something I’ve forgotten over time

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So cool I’ve always wanted to hike the Appalachian


Im 38 39 in February but yea since I read ’ a walk in the woods’ by bill Bryson when I was around 13 or 14 I e wanted to give it a go and I’m technically retired according to the VA so I’m not supposed to work so I’ve spent the last year researching buying gear reading just trying to prep as much as it’s possible without actually doing it so I’m so excited to just go. When I was 18 I took off for 3 months driving out west, Canada, spent a lot time in Montana and Yellowstone camping and just exploring and I’ve got that opportunity to just go again I’m gone…


February baby here also, just a bit ahead of you


Nice! 14th here, you?

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That’s awesome! Embrace it ! And do it while you can. Take lots of pics too! I’d love to see a thread when u return telling us about your adventures. Be very cool imho

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The 7th here

That’s my wedding anniversary the 14th :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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Wanted to make sure you didn’t forget :joy:

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Hell yeah that’s my plan , oh yeah I’ll take a ton of pictures and I’m.sure some sorta journal, I still have my journal from Out West funny to reflect on 20 years later especially entries when I was going to rodeos drunk hahaha


Haha yea that’s why I’m here , your anniversary alarm haha

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Hilarious :joy: outa :heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart::heart: