Emeraldgreen first thread (Part 2)

I messed with seeds in the very beginning and then was done. There were three of us growing together once we moved out to CA. Me and my other buddy just wanted good flower and money. The other one of us was all about seeds, breeding something better, online forums, and whatnot. We clowned him mercilessly and now here I am twenty years older than he was back then doing the same thing. He’s got a family and doesn’t grow or anything these days. Haha. Once I moved back to FL I had to mess with seeds though. But, I’m done with that now. I hate it. Haha


I really need to get back to mono cropping for a bit :grin::grin:


I have to get my status back up, because I keep running out of likes early and then feel rude interacting with people on here. Haha


Just use emoji’s :heart::heart:

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You can find just as good of phenos in seeds as the elites or better. It’s just luck of the draw. I’ve had multiple keepers in 2 packs then I ve found none in 2 packs. Just clone everything just incase because revegging sucks and doesn’t always work.


This is why I get overgrown so easily. Clone and keep everything until it’s been run 2-3 times. Unless it’s absolutely amazing or rubbish on the first try. Then decisions can be made faster


You can tell from 1 grow if it’s worth growing again brother, cmon with those excuses. Unless you totally mess it up

The seed plant grows very different than clones. So I prefer to run clones a time or two before making decisions. No excuses here. Had stable seed plants produce clones that weren’t stable. Nothing worse than getting a bunch of cuts together for a run and they all herm.
My operating method from my experience


I gotcha, I take a cut make sure it roots and in to flower she goes. May have to try your method.

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I’ve committed to a cut without really testing. It was a fricken nightmare.
It also lets me see mold resistantance and bug resistance
I do one or two in flower to check any that are worthy from the first run. I’ll never put 30 or 60 into flower again without testing


Yeah I bet :rofl:

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Keep laughing. Once we got done trimming had to pull as many seeds out as possible. Sold at a discount and they came back within 5 days and wanted the rest :grin:

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I wished I had that type of set up though to run 30 to 60 at a time in flower. 1 day my friend!

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It’s an experience doing production.
If I can set up again multiple of 8. This way I can cut every week


Yeah stagger the harvest?

Yeah definitely stagger the harvest

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30 day stagger is the way to go…but a 6-8 week strain is necessary

I’m sticking with a weak stagger. Definitely my preference if I can set it up like I want. Once it starts it just doesn’t stop!

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I like the staggerd method where I’m totally out of weed, zero smoke, then 4 outdoor plants, 2 hydro monsters and a half dozen leggy clones come ready all at once.

Rinse and repeat


It breaks trimming up into smaller pieces, although it never stops :rofl::disappointed: