Ends of leafs curling up is it normal?

it’s too minor to worry at this point IMO. Could just be the strain. you’ll have to grow 'em larger and wait to see if it’s a real problem. FWIW I like starting seeds in smaller containers (3-4 inch cups) so the soil dries out faster.


I was told to start auto’s in the pot that they will be harvested from I have also read it in books and online aswell that’s why I started in 5 liter pots

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There might be some answers here : I think ventilation needs increased and lights need backed off I bit.

15 cm or about 6 inches might be a bit close for that amount of cfl’s


i’m sure they’ll blow up soon the roots r probably jst gettin established u know, not everything needs to be fixed i think you’re fine just let them grow … maybe scrape back a bit of that de so the soil breaths n call it good


Thanks the feedback guys I have scraped bo so of the de and raised lights a bit tomorrow will be 7 days since they was last Watered checked top inch of soil last night was a little moist so will check again tomorrow they maybe need a little drink

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