Equilibrium Genetics Favorite Strains

I have been looking at some of his gear. That sour orange sounds tasty, bet that orange Burmese is good too. Oh Fairfax 4way crosses!


Right? Thatā€™s one I was eyeing too and thinking I should tag @Swampthing

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Now that sounds stellar :grin:


@CocoaCoir this one too, looks like it might end up a really interesting bulked up Sativa


Some more potential future favorite strains came in the mail from Equilibrium Genetics.

@Dirt_Wizard I mentioned to Jason that you were interested in the African Orange. Here is his response:

ā€œTell them that Iā€™m releasing some African Orange F3ā€™s, Romulawi F2ā€™s and others starting tomorrow till the Solstice June 20th.ā€


Nice! I might just have to dig deep and find some money for those, all that is exactly me jams


Paging our resident Moroccan Beldia fan @upstate

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Thanks for the tag. Sounds interesting, but i like the pure version best.



Only ten packs


@Dirt_Wizard hope you got in on those African Orange F3s while they were in stock.

Iā€™d like to also note something here because typically my posts appear as though Iā€™m promoting this company as if they can do no wrong. And that is, Iā€™m not entirely impressed with the germination rates of the S1 fem releases Iā€™ve gotten lately.

4 of 6 Mimosa S1s germinated and 3 survived until now in soil.
Iā€™ve attempted germination of 2 Bubbaā€™s Gift S1 seeds and the first one stuck the tip of its root outta the shell and died in the soil before coming up. The other hasnā€™t popped after six days. Might try a third tonight.
I tried 2 Sour Tangie S1s and one never popped. The second isnā€™t what Iā€™d say is going to win any contests in the vitality department.
3 out of 6 SoMango S1 seeds germinated and are above soil.

We can speculate as to why the above occurred but I didnā€™t alter my process and I have had CSI Humboldt S1s pop without issue, have had 90% or better germination rates with Equilibriumā€™s other seeds, and frequently have unrelated seeds pop their root out in under 12 hours while sitting in water overnight.

Donā€™t care if they are $60 for six seeds or $6 for six seeds, I expected better and wanted to give folks heads up and also see if my experience is in common with otherā€™s experience.


did you bring this to his attention? a lot of breeders will send replacements, Iā€™d document everything tho pics can go a long way in gettin their trust

I read ur post too lateā€¦ :frowning_face:
if u picked one up Iā€™d love to trade for a cutting or something, romulan is in my to 10 for sure

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Yeah, I mentioned it to him while chatting about something else. He didnā€™t offer up any response.

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oh right on. thats pretty shitty tho, if a plants gonna fail better to fail at the beginning before you invest so much into itā€¦
Iā€™ve had good luck, not with him havenā€™t had problems yet, emailing asking replacements if something doesnā€™t germ. Not to say I havenā€™t dealt with asshats as well but its been mostly good interactions.
just something to keep in mind if it happens again

I got a pack. Definitely plan to open pollinate. When the results are in, Iā€™ll let you know. Might be awhile.

I also would recommend emailing info@eqgenetics.com if youā€™re serious about it. Heā€™ll often work with you if he has a pack or two (which he likely does). Scarcity is a marketing tactic :wink:


awesome! lmk if you make a grow log, Iā€™d watch that show for sure
Its worth a try! He liked pics I put up on reddit of his maui haze so he used um on his site and sent me some Iraqi 4 Way to take pics of I feel like I should do that before askin for more free lol
tryin to not be greedy which can be a bit hard when so many people are so generous

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Totallyā€¦ he seems relatively fair. Iā€™m stoked about the plants that did germinate :slightly_smiling_face:


I didnā€™t buy it because I already have Malawi + 9 other malawi crosses and also Romulan.


Cool thread.
A couple of years ago I bought a pack of Athene Rose. I still have them. I havenā€™t seen them grown out. Anyone have any info?

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