EsRgood4u multiple grow journals thread

Ugh! Poor thing! Keep with the fluids and rest my friend. Glad you are still kicking though


Thatā€™s the thing with me @Meesh. I take a licken and keep on ticking :rofl:
Iā€™d managed to dodge it since it started without having any jabs so I think it was about time my luck ran out. Iā€™m fine though. Not at deaths door or anything. Gonna do another flow test tonight and if it shows Iā€™m OK Iā€™m going to back to work tomorrow.


Also the stomach flu. Everyday I see where another pill is causing cancer. Blood pressure medicine again something that they love to give out. I seen where you said something about tramadol. You could get it over-the-counter at one time. I donā€™t think itā€™s very strong but it does mess with you. I took it for years. Seeing how the law changed on it. I still take it every now and then when I have a bad headache.


Tramadol is the worst prescription drug ever. Being an opiate itā€™s massively addictive. I have a few friends that rely on tramadol just to be able to function ā€œnormallyā€.
My boss takes them by the handful self medicating his depression.
Once they have got a hold of you they give you methadone to get off them. Tramadol addicts are basically smack heads. :-1:


I have all those tramadol is one that I can take. I donā€™t take too many pills I can promise you that. Pain pills do not work for me they jacked me up.

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Yeah you can take or leave them. People I know get near on suicidal if they donā€™t have any.


Tramadol Is stronger than I used to be. It never bothered me until I quit taking it.

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Iā€™ve never been addicted to anything like that. I have always used weed. How I got all that stuff is because I moved to a different state couldnā€™t grow my own.

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And then they tell you they wanna drug test you Iā€™m like okay do it test me for what. If weed isnā€™t what your looking for. Then Iā€™m the wrong person to be drug testing. Bs stuff. Thatā€™s why I never went to pain management.


Peach Tree Day 15 from flip.
Net has filled out beautifully. Plenty of bud sites.
If I have time tomorrow Iā€™ll strip all the lowers.


Big tent. Not much to see. Roots have showed outside the net pots so the growth rate should speed up from now.
Being lazy on the nutrients line up and just bought the Ionic one part growth and one part bloom feed.


Ionic is decent stuff, hope you kick the covid soon bud :crossed_fingers:


Iā€™ve used it before in the past mate with excellent results. Itā€™s also ph ā€œperfectā€ as they say so it gets the pH to 6 and just keeps it there supposedly. Most my issues come down to pH so Iā€™ll run this fully and see how it does. Iā€™ll still be checking the pH though just for the sake of it. :+1:


My ph starting point is usually too high until I get to mid boom feed strength for regs lol. Two or three drops of acid seems to do the trick, Acid used to work wonders for me too :rofl:

I found Ionic was better than most at not forming crystals in the bottles. In fact canna is the only other one Iā€™ve used that never seems to do that, shame itā€™s not that much better than cat piss eh


Good to see you again mate. Hope youā€™ve been doing well and keeping safe eh.


Long time no speak bro. Nice to see you around.
Iā€™m doing OK. Had a few mishaps over the past year or so but luckily Iā€™m still kicking. :rofl:
Just keeping my head down and doing my thing as I do. :v:


Nice to see youā€™re still kicking too. What accidents you had bro. Managed a broken spine crashing on the m80 near falkirk. Ended up with another lie down. Presumably my ex snitching :face_vomiting: glad sheā€™s gone. Back in Scotland now so can actually say Iā€™m more north than you now :rofl:

@Solaris423 thereā€™s a name from the past too :sunglasses: nice to see. Are we all coming back for a reunion :rofl:


Good to hear my friend. Glad youā€™re still alive and kicking (for now :crazy_face:)
Keep in contact brother :metal:


Day 19 for the Peach Tree.
Sheā€™s filled the 2x2 fully now.
Still stretching but nothing I canā€™t control.


Most the roots have hit the water now and growth rate is accelerating.
Rear left - Back To The Future #2 (tastebudz)
Rear right - Grape Gusher (tastebudz)
Front left - Moby Dick #2 (dinafem)
Front right - Buddha Tahoe OG (cali connection)
Nutrients Ionic hydro grow at 1.5 ec and PH 5.8.