EsRgood4u multiple grow journals thread

Next (photoperiod) big tent grow the seeds are in root riot cubes.
Dinafem Moby Dick #2 x 2
Cali Connection Buddha Tahoe OG x2
Tastebudz Back To The Future #2 x2
Tastebuds Grape Gusher x2

Nothing to see as yet really. That should change in the coming days. :+1:
The BTTF#2 grows huge so should be interesting.


That is quite impressiveā€¦


7 of the 8 seeds I put in root riot cubes are up. Remaining one has cracked and I can see the root curling inside of the hole. Hopefully she breaks out without my assistance.

Purple lemonade harvested today. It looks more black than purple in the picture. Smell from her is awesome.


If onlyā€¦ Good job we are not neighbors :wink::rofl::joy::fire::joy::peace_symbol::grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


Peach tree starting her stretch finally. Been 8 days under 12/12 now. Got high hopes for her.


Youā€™d be high 24/7 :rofl:
Trust me though. You should be glad you donā€™t live next door to me as my weekends end up chemically induced. :v:


Well yours truly has finally caught the dreaded covid after dodging it for so long. Been bed ridden for 2 solid days but now starting to pick up a little so hopefully Iā€™m past the worst of it. Originally thought I just had bad food poisoning until I did a flow test. :-1:


That sucks.
Iā€™ve had that crap 3 times.
Feel better brother


Unlucky bro.
I got a message earlier this morning saying that someone in my daughtersā€™ high school has been confirmed with Covid too - so i no doubt WILL catch it ( at some point.?!.), too.!?!

Hopefully itā€™ll not be too bad for you mate :crossed_fingers:. Give yourself a rest, some time to recuperate from your accident and your Covid etc.

I am NOT a doctor. Lol !

I think your screen is filling out well with your Peach :peach: Tree - is that a Lemon Tree relative ?
Iā€™ll need to google ā€˜Peach Treeā€™ soā€™s i can see the genetics/line ā€¦ :ok_hand:. I was browsing seed sites yesterday and I saw those Back To The Future 2 from Tastebudz and I know you grew a couple - how is that stuff for smoking.?

Iā€™ll be cracking a few autos from now on til i leave for Florida on July 1st - and Iā€™ll make some oil to hopefully take with me AND for some weed to come back to.
I have a really nice bit of hash that Iā€™ll be smoking for a couple of weeks then Iā€™ll smoke some flower - i have some Ape Tranqulliser and other stuff in my ā€˜Grove Bagsā€™ ; curingā€¦ Have you tried any of those bags yet.? - Theyā€™re replacements for jars and keep your weed at between 58/62 rh ā€¦

Anyway enough of me rambling again.
Iā€™ll talk to you later regarding the Purple Badlands etc okay mate.


Thanks mate. I always bounce back quickly. To me it just feels like food poisoning. The worse part is the shivering because of the high temperature. I feel much better as each hour passes so I donā€™t think Iā€™ve caught it in a bad way likea lot of others do.


I had it 2 years ago, nearly to the day, and one of the variants last week for 5 days just felt tired mostly, bit of sinus pressure and a queasy feeling stomach every time I ate. Other than that, and 3 nights of heavy sweating, I am feeling good now.

Load up on zinc, vit D3, vit C but not a tablet itā€™s not proper vit C, make a smoothie with a whole lemon seeds, skin and all, a cup of bluberries and a table spoon of raw unpasteurized honey, it will also boost your testosterone and lower estrogens in the body as well as help fight off the vid.

Also get some N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine which everyone should take, as itā€™s a very powerful anti oxident that reduces inflammation in the body so itā€™s good for arthritis and other stuff as well, it should help your shoulder.

Get well soon man :+1:


Peach tree mate. They are a limited edition the perfect tree seed company weā€™re giving away for free when you buy another of their strains. I got them as a freebie from
The BBTF#2 Iā€™m running again as we speak. They yield absolutely huge but there is no chance in hell they are anywhere near as potent as tastebudz make them out to be. They are not something Iā€™d go out my way to buy and grow again.


Cheers @Shadey
Whatever variant I have has me puking out of both ends :rofl:
Iā€™ve been drinking a couple of litres of spring water and bottles of lucozade each day to stay hydrated. Been tempted to take some imodium but figure Iā€™m better off expelling as much as I can to help push the toxins out my body. Iā€™ll give a smoothy a try if you think itā€™ll help got both honey and lemons in already so will just need to pick up some blueberry.


Itā€™s a good drink to have whether your sick or not, just add a cup and a half of water or almond milk to it, almond milk has lots of vits and minerals and a neutral taste.

I usually have one every day around 11am, they are very filling. The whole lemon can be a bit sharp lol, so you have to play with the amount of honey to suit your taste.

All the benificial enzymes and terpenes that help with hormone balance are in the lemon peel and pith as well as the seeds. The blueberries are to sweeten it up a bit and extra vit c and anti oxidants.

If you got the runs though you may want to wait for that to calm down, it might push your digestion a bit harder than normal, or do a half lemon to start might be easier on the tum.

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I like hydralyte when itā€™s coming out of both ends


I love the taste of anything bitter like that. I often slice lemons up to put with my water and once the water is drank I chew on the lemon.

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I use lemon juice to sweeten up my apple cider vinegar and water I drink :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Yeah Iā€™ve not had to do much tucking or bending with it. It just filled the net on its own and the bud sites spaced out pretty evenly.


How are you feeling today? I have yet to catch the vid. Knocking on wood. Hopefully you are getting better. It may be that new variant they are talking about as I havenā€™t heard of a stomach Covid until now.


Iā€™m much better today @Meesh but Iā€™m not at the end of it yet. Seem to be sleeping a hell of a lot. Not eating much either as everything I taste isnā€™t appealing enough to keep eating. Not lost my sense of taste like I was expecting. Constant migraines and enhanced joint pain. Also a slight cough. Thanks for checking in on me :+1: