EsRgood4u multiple grow journals thread

Fingers crossed for that one RKS, back right being female, it looks prehistoric with those leaves!
I bet it gets some big main cola when it’s starts stacking flowers.


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They don’t like the autopot valve cover. Green algae in the water so I’m gonna do it by hand once they bounce back.

I’m honestly not sure when I’ll get round to these, but for the price it was worth having them in the stash.

I have to time my grows in-between landlord inspections, so having a bunch of fems will be helpful, see if I can get two grows done between the next inspections :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Last inspection I hadn’t tidied up when they arrived and they literally said
“were not really bothered what the place looks like when we come to see it, it’s just to make sure your not wrecking the property or growing weed” :joy: :rofl:



Yeah but I reckon they meant doing the electric and doing a full room. Using a tent you’ll be OK I reckon.


Ah yeh, for sure. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not a fan of Landlords (ALAB and all that)

But it must be gutting if you rent a property out and someone turns it into a grow house and wrecks it haha.


I’m thinking about putting my 120x120 back up but just running the light at 300w. Gives them room to spread out. I’ve got the space just can’t afford the electricity bill. :thinking:

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Aye that’s the killer st the moment, saying that mine has just came down this month!! They wrote to us and said its being recalculated, and it’s worked out less now. Needs to come down by half again though before it’s back to ‘normal’.

With the space I’ve got at the moment, I’d have to run a Mr.Sparkle or ReikoX style micro grow if i wanted another space.
Which I actually really enjoy doing, I’ve built a few cabinets before.


I used to run a full kw with my hydro grows. 650w light, a 60w air pump. A 60w submersible pump. A 160w dehumidifier. A 200w fishtank cooler. Few fans :rofl:
It used to cost me £20 a week in flower. £30 in veg. I’d grow huge plants. Wtf happened?? :rofl:

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My friend’s husband is from Sunderland- Seems like there is real Rivalry between Sunderland and Newcastle. {Football?}


Just a little. I don’t do football though so I’m one of the nice ones.


Brooo I just feel like a second class citizen tbh royal mail hates me


It’ll get there

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Haha! I know her husband is obsessed with Football {Sunderland AFC}.


Sunderland what a fall from grace, I miss older football forget this £300mill mbape nonsense


I need to get much more energy efficient - What lights do you prefer now? the old HPS are good, but people say LED are way better {but no ‘‘Like for like’’ direct swap}

I used to have 3 x 400w in a 1.2 by 2.4 metre tent, with a ‘Perpetual’ grow - {and a 250 w MH} it wasn’t very efficient as couldn’t use netting or hydro because of adding and and taking away a plant every ten days or so. fans and extraction…
My electric bills soared since they ramped the prices up.

I have to re think things to be more energy saving -


Luckily I know nothing about football at all- but at least friend’s husband supports his ‘home’ team .

I agree about the players being paid way too much- and they roll around on the ground if someone so much as touches their shin, looking like they are dying.

When I was a kid {a long time ago} football on the telly was muddy and no one rolled about clutching their legs if they got a kick.
Different era.



Nightmare though.
The heating broke down in a house we were in, and the very room the plumber wanted to have access to was where the small grow was.

He didn’t care.

But it can be a stress-

Best of luck- can you show the landlord a video of the flat? Might be easier?


I’m running solstrips from @Baudelaire. They are a diy build but piss easy to put together. There are more efficient lights now but solstrips have served me well for the past 3 years or so.


That was the golden age of growing dude.
I wish id started earlier in life, would have saved me a fortune in my mid 20s :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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I was unfortunate enough to be raised in Gateshead with pals that were Newcastle fans, and my dad being a Mackem taking me and my bro to Sunderland games haha.

Still got to see some great marches as a kid, first season they had in Premier League was brilliant.
